I'm going to dinner party camp. Yes, you actually did hear [read] that correctly. DINNER PARTY CAMP.
I won't tell you what it's actually called, but it has to do with going to summer camp with a bunch of girls and female CEO-types and learning how to be strong women. Or something.
I dunno. I had to apply for it, so I thought it'd be a little prestigious. The flyer mentioned dinner parties. My parents have been making fun of me ever since. "Hey, when is that dinner party camp?" "You packed for dinner party camp?" "Is Mrs. Smith taking you to dinner party camp?"
But my summer's been significantly boring so far. Marching band fundies last week was like, the highlight of my summer. And it's OVER. But it was fun! I drove my dad to work in the morning (sometimes in my pajamas) then drove home, picked up my brother, and we drove to fundies together. One day we had toaster strudels for breakfast, and another day we had a bag of tortilla chips. It was wonderful.
AND I talked to Billy! It was more exciting in hindsight than it was at the time. I dunno. It was a little awkward. But he said hi to me first. <3 He and my brother were the last ones putting their mellophones away, and he was like "Hey Meredith" when I walked up, and we had a short awkward conversation that I wish had gone on longer or at least been a little less awkward.
Why am I so awkward? Why? Porque? Pourquoi?
It's a tragedy. It truly is.
So yeah. Now I'm off to dinner party camp with Lauren, which I'm actually looking forward to. I mean, a week-long camp with a friend is going to be fun no matter what the subject. Really.
Billy's been weighing on my mind. Stop that.
I had a really vivid dream last night. I was dead with this other guy, and we were like ghosts...so no one could see us...but my mom was still trying to find me, and I was trying to avoid her. She was crying, I was crying but trying to be really quiet about it, she found me and this guy in the shower (definitely not what you think) and I escaped, but my feet were leaving wet imprints on the floor. Then my grandpa, who could somehow see me, handed me a towel to wipe my feet so my mom wouldn't find me, but I was crying so hard I swore she would hear me anyway. Eventually I gave up and wrote on a sheet of paper "Let me go", but my mom was like, "No, I need to tell Ben and Harry you're alive, and we can do all these things--"
I didn't wake up crying. But it just felt so, so, SO real. There weren't even any weird things like dinosaurs in the dream or anything. It was REAL. And very disturbing.
I've started watching some new shows, like "The Listener" on NBC which I am ONLY watching for Craig Olejnik. He is so fucking pretty. Pardon my french. But I'm not kidding. He's gorgeous. "Kings" also started up again. That drama is so delicious. It's THRILLING. Some people would say it's stupid to get pulled into that sort of dramatic fluff, but if you let yourself be thrilled by it, it's a thrill. And it's beautiful.
Last episode of Pushing Daisies was last night. It was amazing, as usual, but it depressed me. Because it's the last one. They tied everything up, at least. But the realization that I would have no more Ned&Chuck or Emerson Cod almost made me want to cry.
That was such an amazing show. I highly recommend Pushing Daisies to all of you. ALL of you. You'll get hooked, I promise.