Jul 17, 2008 00:19
i keep meaning to update, and then i realize i don't really have anything to say. or at least not anything i can imagine anyone wanting to read. i mean, i could write all about my recent cookies (an uncharacteristic disaster!), the pepper plants i killed (i blame the heat!), or the three plates i've broken this week (i've always been clumsy! don't look surprised!), but i'm afraid that i would bore you lovely people so terribly that you would never come back.
i have started a (somewhat) serious workout routine to make up for the months of sitting around i had been doing. i've been walking/jogging for about half an hour on my dad's old treadmill every day for the past week. i hope to get some very light weights sometime when i think i have the necessary commitment to stick with using them.
hmmm... i guess that's all for now :)