Dec 30, 2007 22:24
brayden told me that my boobs look more... bulbus... ok. they have been a little achey. i know sore breasts and nipples are an early sign of pregnancy, but they dont HURT hella bad like ppl explain that theirs do/did. they arent sore or tender to the touch, just sorta achey. still no period either. and i had a cramp in my right calf last night. so if nothing happens by the first i will get a few preg tests and take them.
brayden said that it would be ok if i was preg, and just acted all cool with it. that made me feel better. if its nothing, thats fine too, and if i am then great. the fact that i am missing my period and having those weird cramps, then nothing, is getting my hopes up a little, but if im not then i just tell myself that it will happen when its meant to. i really do believe that. i also think it would be miraculous if i was bc it would have happened like, instantly. it would be very very cool, but ok if not.... alright, ive said that enough times.
i actually got a load of laundry done :) so miracles do happen!
everything else is going good.