Really big update

May 22, 2014 08:50

So for those who are still alive and well it's been nearly a year since I've posted in here and I really should be more active. It really helps to get my thoughts out but I get so busy I forget to open LJ up and when it died down a lot I kind of just lost interest lol.

So most of you guys who are on my Facebook page or my Instagram know that Jason and I are divorcing. It's been a long time coming. This July we will be married 9 years. I can't start the divorce process really until February when I get the money to do it. We are splitting it so about 500 each. It's not a messy divorce and we are friendly so it's not a huge deal honestly. It just needed to happen. We were both very unhappy and life is just so much easier and carefree now and I have needed that so much.

The boys are handling it very well. At first Jakob was not okay with it and didn't do very well but he has come a long way and is still doing so well in school. He won tickets to a hockey game here in North Carolina for reading over 3000 minutes. He has made honor roll every quarter this year and I am just so insanely proud of him.

Conner is doing so great too. He has been struggling to read and he has done freaking amazing. He will be going over the Summer to school from 7 to 12 to read and keep his progress up as he moves on to second grade. I held him back in the first grade because he was no where near ready to go to second grade and I am so glad that I did. I won't ever regret that decision. He is doing just so much better. I am trying to instill my love to read in him. I will be working on that over the summer.

I met Benjamin over my break up with Andrew. Ugh that was freaking something else I tell you. I am not even going to go into that. In October I met Ben though and he has been so great for me. He was there through my break up with Andrew and he was deployed so we just talked all the time when he wasn't working. He's an MP in the USAF. We decided we wanted to be together in January. The 8th to be specific and we've been together ever since. He came home from his deployment in March and I went to BWI to see him for the 4 hours we had together but it was better than nothing and it was the best home coming ever. The airport was 6 hours away and I almost missed him because I thought he was coming home the next day and I finally put two and two together lol. I hauled ass up there and made it like an hour before he got out of there and I was so glad. I would have hated if I missed him.

We spent a few hours together at my hotel and then I had to take him back =( He came to North Carolina to spend a month with me in April. We went to Disney World where I got strep lol and to Georgia for a week to see my mom and dad and then he flew us to Colorado to meet his dad and step mom and it was really nice to be able to be with him. He is flying me to CA in June and I am so excited. I've never been! I can't wait to go. Pretty sure I'll be meeting his mom and I am a little nervous because for some reasons moms hate me but dads love me. I have no idea. His step mom liked me and so did his grandma and aunts. I hope his mom's side of the family likes me too.

Here's recent pictures a few of them. If you are on FB or IG you will have seen them though.

made by luvkins
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