Can't be bothered writing entries... so I cross post quizzes!

Jan 22, 2007 23:40

Q1) When you look at yourself in the mirror, what's the first thing you look at? My hair. It's pretty fucking hard to miss in the morning.

Q2) How much cash do you have on you? About $10 - envy my bags of cash...

Q3) What's a word that rhymes with "TEST"? Acquiesced. (English Lit majors: 1, Everyone Else: 0)

Q4) Favorite planet? In our galaxy, Jupiter. And going by what we know of extrasolar planets I have taken a shine to SWEEPS-10... because it's temperature is on average 1650 degrees AND because it's just an awesome name ;)

Q5) Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell phone? Fucked if I can be bothered looking.

Q6) What is your main ring tone on your phone? Mickey Mouse Club. It's a DISNEY phone people!

Q7) What shirt are you wearing? White singlet.

Q8) Do you "label" yourself? Nah not really. I'm preppy and I'm also a big pretentious culture whore but it's not like a culture I must stick to... the preppy one isn't, anyway ;)

Q9) Name the brand of your shoes you're currently wearing? Nein. I am foot... shoe...less...

Q10) Bright or Dark Room? Dark but with nice dark colours, like moron or dark purple. mmmm.

Q11) What do you think about the person who took this survey before you? He's one of my two big brothers. He takes good care of me; so in answer I think he's kickass!

Q12) Ever "spilled the beans"? In a metaphorical way - all the time. In a literal way...... all the time.

Q13) What were you doing at midnight last night? Wouldn't YOU like to know? ;D

Q14) What did your last text message you received on your cell phone say? ""lol yeah i got it thinking 'hrm white space'. Sometimes silence says more than words. Yeah sounds like a plan! Shall we meet at Garden City?" from Elyshia :P

Q15) Do you ever click on "Pop Ups" or Banners? Hell no. I'm not a moron.

Q16) What's a saying that you say a lot? Er... well, it'd DEFINITELY be something very witty and charming and no-one would understand it because it was just too high-brow for the lower orders to comprehend. And then they bow to me and all my eloquent wonder and unmatchable glory. Yeah... O_o

Q17) Who told you they loved you last? John.

Q18) Last furry thing you touched? Harry... and if you're thinking dirty thoughts SO AM I O_O

Q19) How Many Drugs Have You Done In The Past Three Days? Nada. It's been nada for almost 20 years. omg am old :(

Q20) How many rolls of film do you need to get developed? HAHAHAHAHA rolls of film... I'm not an Ancient Photography 101 student!

Q21) Favorite age? Teenage years. You have SO many excuses for being a prat! What do I have now? PMS. It's just not as exciting...

(a/n I joke about teenage years being the best. I want to be five.)

Q22) Your worst enemy? The human race in general. We're dickheads and the sooner you realise it the sooner you'll become an embittered bitch like me!

Q23) What is your current desktop picture? My alter-ego, Catwoman. (the actual Batman version. plz 2 be killing Halle Berry now kthnx)

Q24) What was the last thing you said to someone? "hahaha your last few sentences made no sense, i loves you" to Elyshia again :P

Q25) If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to change a major regret? A million bucks! Aim for the future man!

Q26) Do you love/like someone? Quite... a lot of people? But I love< John if that's what you mean... which I wager you are... why am I talking to a quiz?

stupid quiz

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