
Nov 23, 2006 15:41

Yesterday I was linked to a very interesting essay on Kia/serraasuka's journal theorising Minerva McGonagall as a Death Eater. I sort of instantly dismissed it in my mind - said something like 'the word useless is relative, rah rah rah' which I STILL do believe. I mean, almost anything is relative is it not ( Read more... )

minerva mcgonagall, hp, essays, death eaters, hp theories

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rainylondonight November 23 2006, 15:31:01 UTC
Oh, my heart broke over different reasons though, not the whole 'traitor' thing which I never believed - it was simply sadness for all the sacrifices Snape has had to make... everyone hates him, both sides distrust him, quite possibly the only person who ever loved him (perhaps with the exception of his mother - JKR makes vague allusions to Eileen loving him) is dead by his own hand; HBP pretty ruined my brain & I doubt it'll get much better for Snape. But he won't die.

*gathers self together* anyway... I just think it'd be really unexpected. I'd clearly see the juxtaposition there - the Gryffindor ends up the villain while the Slytherin ends up the hero. I think I might actually respect McGonagall a lot more for that, as she'd managed to have fooled everyone for so long. But ungh yeah, my sympathies would be with you Gryffindors, for sure.


satonthefence November 23 2006, 16:13:12 UTC
"it was simply sadness for all the sacrifices Snape has had to make... everyone hates him, both sides distrust him, quite possibly the only person who ever loved him (perhaps with the exception of his mother - JKR makes vague allusions to Eileen loving him) is dead by his own hand;"

<333333 same here.
That, and the Gryffindor point glass getting broken&Harry not caring, was what made me cry for days. My mother was threatening to write a letter of complaint to JK for "emotional distress" XD I think she was only half joking


rainylondonight November 23 2006, 16:29:45 UTC
It's great when you're silently sobbing on your bed, your stomach hating you for not letting it just explode out of your mouth, looking like death, coming out of your room because you're getting your appetite back and parents who call you a freak and yell "IT'S JUST A BOOK for God's sake".

On second thought, yeah... let's not travel too deep into this subject. I don't think I can go back there.

Pfft. People.


alcina2 November 25 2006, 14:30:30 UTC
The Bible and the Koran are just books, but there are plenty of people out there prepared to die for them.


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