Sleeptime now plz.

Apr 13, 2009 04:48

5 AM + writing fic is never a good thing.

Oh yeah, I'm finishing my old Snape fic. The one I started a good two years ago and then become too busy to continue for a while... but I could never forget it. It means a lot to me and I'm determined to get it finished no matter how long it takes.

Sooo - expect an update chapter soon (yeah, I bet you were all devastated when I stopped updating it - completely, totally, utterly...). Haha, whatever though. To me the story means a lot, so that's good enough, heh.

I edited all the other chapters too, so I might post them here again & on various fic sites tomorrow after I've had some sleep. My first drafts were kind of, uh, atrocious.

Kind of worried that I'm the only person in the world who is OBSESSED with the Prince backstory... oh well, I'm speshul like that.

hp, snapefic, ficlicious

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