Yearly update (for myself more than anyone, really...)

Feb 16, 2009 01:20

So, things are good. No meme's or quizzes this time ("alas!" you all cry), but seeing as this is probably the last time I'll post in this for months and months (I average about an entry every 7 months nowadays), I'd better make it a good'un!

Firstly, I don't think I've ever been this happy since I was little, so things are great. I've been getting good enough marks to enable me to apply to medicine at the end of my course so this is what I'm working towards now. Just have to get all D's and HD's in my units (which is what I have been getting) and I'll be able to sit the GAMSAT and hopefully HOPEFULLY get invited to interview with the school of medicine. I never really thought things like this are possible, so I'm really content with how well and how hard I've worked. I've always seen med as something of a 'God' subject - with only those with infinitely more wisdom and brains able to even apply. But now it's actually in my reach... I've actually put enough effort into my bachelor of science that I have a fair shot at this. I've sacrificed so much for it too, a few friendships even, but the goal is worth it.

Now though I have to order about a bazillion chem books to be able to study for GAMSAT... and this is two years in advance of the test! Ah yes, I'm going to diiiieeee! But bring it on anyway.

Hmmm... well in other news not related to me, my best friend got into Les Mis which is playing at the Regal Theatre in... well at the end of the year some time. Knew she'd do it. She's almost a prima donna but it's ok because she has the talent ;) She was the lead in South Pacific the year before so she practically didn't have to audition, they knew how good she was. Yeah, so... *proud*

I'm really scared about starting uni now I have all this pressure on me to get a GPA of 5.00 for med... I don't know why because I'm already performing above that level (if there's one thing I pride myself on, and there isn't much, it's my brains) but now it's actually real; it sorta terrifies me. And my mum and dad are so proud of me and John's parents keep complimenting how smart I am and ARGH. What if I completely stuff this up?! But of course I must'nt think like this... I have to have the same faith that my parents have in me, 'cause I'll need all the confidence in the world when I get into medicine and even more so as a doctor.

It's good to have ambition; but it's better to have such an awesome family, as I do, and have been so ungrateful towards for the majority of my life. I'm spending a lot more time with my parents now (and John and his family) and I love having this deeper relationship with them... makes me HATE my horrible, selfish past-self though.

Apologies for the rambling if you're reading this. It really was intended for me to look back on, but hey, hello to you too!

Best wishes.
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