soldiers, come quickly - i feel the earth beneath my feet...

Nov 05, 2006 11:08

a good place for a nap
Originally uploaded by rainyharmony. Life has taken a very nice turn in the last week :) I'm no longer buried in work (well, not to quite the same insane degree). My digital camera died on Sunday, but I got a brand spankin' new one (ok, let's ignore the giant hole in my checking account) which is really really awesome (lumix, anyone? It's a panasonic dmc fx07). I then got to take a roadtrip with a great friend to a gorgeous place to play with said camera, hence this picture - 5700' up, and i'm laying on the ledge. hahahahaha!
In even better (and more important) news, I got an unrequested fee waiver to Duke, which is most excellent! I'm heading to Durham next weekend to check things out, so if anyone's interested in seeing Raleigh, Chapel Hill, or Durham, hit me up - probably leaving Thursday night so that I can make the Friday morning tour, but you could totally meet up with me later...
OK, enough rambling. More cool photos like this found on flickr and (mostly) on facebook!

Oh, and me finally updating this means that YOU should comment, kthx.

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