Dec 30, 2004 01:30
Tonight I cried. Yes, I cried like a little girl. My dad and I went to the Lexus dealership. He wants a new car. Now, most of you may not know of, or understand the significance of, my dad's ten year old Mustang. When he first got that car I was about 9... it was a year old but still brand new. My dad loved that car. It had power, it had muscle, and it went. I hated that car with a passion. I was frightened to death of it. I called it the Little Red Dot. It seemed too small, and very dangerous. So I was right... but that doesn't mean it wasn't fun. So now I've grown to love that car... it's what I learned to drive manual on. It no longer has much clutch at all, the throw-out bearing is bad, it leaks oil out of several places, one of the fuel-injectors is clogged, the driver-side door doesn't close very well, the seats are cracked, it takes 91 octane gas, the tires are the best racing tires and are therefor expensive to replace, it only has one cup holder, and I'm sure I could come up with other problems. Besides all the money that would need to be dumped into it, it's my heaven. Now maybe you don't understand the way I feel... but when I sit in that seat and press that gas pedal I get a rush I can't even explain. It's total freedom; it's total power; it's life; it's more. It's just... more. Do you ever feel like something's missing from your life. Okay, well that void gets filled by this car. It sounds stupid... but it's a first love.
So anyways... I'm back from Hawai'i (obviously). I wish I could go back. My dad and I had the college talk tonight. I think he understands that I want to get away from this place... and that he's not the reason I want to leave. At the same time, he tried to convince me to stay at home. I don't think I'd have a problem with staying in southern California if I could live away from both of my parents' homes. I love my parents, but I don't think I could grow as a person if I lived with them for much longer. I need to get out and away from here.
Alright, well this took me forever to write... stupid me and walking away and coming back and being busy with everything. I'm out. G'night ya'll.