
Feb 10, 2007 16:38

Well - I am going home on Monday, and I cannot believe it. I am not sure how I am feeling about this. I am so, so looking forward to seeing my family, but it is going to be beyond hard to leave here. I have developed a life here. A year is a long time.

I have friends here, favourite spots, favourite tv shows, bus drivers I've come to know, most of all Katy. It is just going to be so strange not being here. You get used to being with someone all the time, then suddenly just not. I don't deal well with change to begin with, but this is a huge change. I know there will be many tears shed.

Then there is my family. I cannot wait to see them. To finally hug them after a year of not seeing them. It took me so long to get over the homesickness, now I can finally see them again. And Pepper!! I am super thrilled about hugging my little puppy again!

I have SO much to do. A life to pack up in just 3 suitcases. I am worried about charges at the airport! Ack. Soooo much stuff, and SUCH LITTLE space. This will be interesting.

Tonight we are having people over as kind of a goodbye party. It should be good.

Anyway, best get ready for that.
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