Super 18th

Feb 24, 2006 12:10

Now that I am 18 these are some of the fun/maybe not fun things i can do:

1. Buy Scratch tickets (I won $235 off of $7, YAY and yes I know it won't happen every time)
2. Buy Cigarettes
3. Buy Porn
4. Get pierced (I did, my ears again, but thats a whole different story)
5. Go to the mall on a Friday or Saturday after 4 pm
6. Vote
7. Get the Death penalty
8. Drive after Midnight
9. Become a Shift Supervisor (please oh please)
10. Go to war

Some of these I am not a huge fan of, lol, but if i wanted to do them, i COULD!!!

So yesterday when I got my ears pierced, I brought my cousin Lauren, she bought ONE earring for her cartilidge and I bought earrings to get pierced with. So I was sitting down and the girl shot the little gun thing and then went "oh Shit". She had pierced my ear with Laurens earring!!!! AHHHH! She made me take it out and she did it again with mine, I laughed it off at the time and said, "and that was my good ear too" (my undeformed one) she said my ear might be a little sore (Its perfectly fine, just so you know). My funny ear hurt more than the good one when it was pierced, but when we were walking out of the mall, i was like omg, are you serious? it was so funny. definetly one to remember.

After the mall I brought Lauren home and stopped at Brooks to buy scratch tickets. I told Lyanne she could sell me my first tickets. anyways i bought $7 worth and won $103 dollars! whoo, I spent $53 of it on more tickets (Even if I lost I would have walked away with more than I started with!) and i won another $132. I was super excited. ok, my moms home for lunch, i will finish later.
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