Dec 03, 2006 23:54
greetings fellow martians! okay, so about ummmmm... 4? weeks ago i wake up with this fucking AGONIZING pain. being me, i pretty much just ignore it till it goes away, even going so far as to take a ride down to oob. about four hours later, pain just goes bye-bye. fast forward to two days later and i wake up in even worse pain. so my mum convinces me that i should prolly go to the hospital and let the evil docs check me out. loooooonnnnnnggggg story short, im having some complications with my gallbladder and may need surgery. hurrah. then thanksgiving morning while driving around with my mum and stepdad looking for a place that is open and selling ham (yucky, fortunatley we didnt find one, though im still a bit pissed about not getting my tofurky) i get out (in bare feet, cause i motherfucking HATE wearing shoes) and promptly trip reallyfuckinghard down a nearly nonexistant step. which leads to me going to the hospital, getting some x-rays, crutches, and vicodin (bruises, contusions, and a sprain) so, this is just not my month, huh? on the other hand i found a couple new animes that are wickedly great. anyways, right now im wicked hungry and not feeling so good, so im going to watch loveless and wait for my pasta to be done. cheers.