Did some gardening today. Mainly repotted a few plants and hung them all around the living room. It's so green in there.
Tonight I'm gonna make calzones instead of pizza. I've never made or eaten a calzone so wish me luck. It seems easy enough.
Does anyone have a recipe for lemon cookies that does not use a cake mix? Chris's dad has a lemon tree and brought over a huge bag of lemons. I could really go for some lemon cookies and they would be perfect to take on our hike/picnic tomorrow. We are hitting Jack's Peak tomorrow after Padme's training class. I'm stoked! The view there is incredible!
Other than that I've just been knitting and rearranging house. I'm knitting a scarf and it's going well. My ultimate goal is to make socks someday. It's getting easier though and I'm pretty proud.
Oh, Ava is in panties all day now!! She loves it and is so proud. She still wears a pull up at night but is doing well at night too. I officially have no more babies! It breaks my heart but makes me happy too. Chloe is learning to knit with me and is doing well. It's a little different since she is left handed but she's picking it up and eager to practice.
I love my kids so much! They make me feel like I've done a few things right. Like my mom just might be wrong. I will never make my children fight and beg for my affection and approval.
Ok, random picture time again....
My knitting. I'm proud. It's much longer now. This was last night.
Ava showing off her panties
The makings of salmon chowder that was for dinner last night. Always a hit around here.
The mega muffin I baked for Chris. We are having a love affair with orange chocolate muffins. They taste just like those oranges you whack on the table and eat.
Honey from the farmers market on Tuesday
This coffee is a new fav!
Been meaning to give this book a read and I found it in the liquid book bin at Farmers market. Gotta love free books! Chris bought me those flowers and they smell wonderful.
The kids loved holding the birds. I was afraid lol
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