(no subject)

Dec 07, 2010 10:42

По наводке Аввы дискуссия на reddit со всякими плохо переводимыми выражениями из разных языков. Мне понравилось вот что:

I really like this Greek/cypriot phrase which basically means you're really overcomplicating something: Εκαμεs τον μουτσιον επιστήμη
Translated: You made masturbation a science

As heard on the streets of Cape Town:
Hy sal die kak uit jou maag gesteel, which means "He'd steal the shit from your stomach", or he's really untrustworthy.

There's a saying in Hindi that very roughly translates to "I'll plant a mango tree in your mom's ass and fuck your sister in its shade."
But it loses the poetic effect in translation.

From Spain: "Menos mal que nos queda Portugal," translating to something like "thank god there's Portugal" - meaning that no matter how bad things may be, at least it's not as bad as Portugal, i.e., "it could be worse".

In Norway we also have a saying that goes "å krysse bekken etter vann", which literally means "to cross the stream for water". Well, it's a nice way to say that you shouldn't go someplace else to get something that's just as abundant where you are now.

My Norwegian friend has one: Peeing in your pants to keep warm - doing something for short term gain that will make you suffer later.

Немецкое: „Das ist mir ein böhmisches Dorf“ - "that's a bohemian village to me" meaning that something is impossible to understand.

When you get drunk in Texas, you're "Seein' double and feelin' single."

...и множество других.


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