Jan 11, 2014 14:07
It's laundry day. I hate laundry. But I need socks. We got snow and freezing weather from the polar vortex. We had probably 3 inches of snow, but it was a dry snow. It blew everywhere and drifted. I had to shovel the driveway, Booger helped. By helped I mean he shoveled the snow from the yard onto the driveway. *head desk* So it took me a bit longer than it should have. The roads were terrible. The state of Oklahoma has a philosophy. 'G-d put it there G-d can take it away.' So they didn't clear any of the roads. Which was fine for me. I did some grocery shopping before the storm hit so I didn't have to go out in it if I didn't want too. But since my father-in-law fell ill around New Year's Eve I had to go down this Monday and get him. His kidneys shut down, so the mediflighted him to OKC. He had no one to come get him and bring him home. Luckily Booger wasn't scheduled to go back to school until Tuesday. He and I loaded up on Monday and brought him home. He was appreciative. Everyone was because no one wanted to do it. I didn't want to do it, but they weren't going to let him out of the hospital if no one picked him up.
Booger spent the week at school which he loved. Friday they had their first show and tell. He took his Big Monkey. I really didn't want to let him take him. If he got left at school there would be a melt down to end all melt downs. But Monkey made it home. Booger also received his report card for the second nine weeks. He's so close to being able to recognize all of his letters. He's learning to count syllables. He can count to 100. He's struggling to learn personal space and follow rules. He seems to be right on track with everything else.
I have enrolled myself in school again. I am taking 2 classes online. Mythology and Folklore and General Biology for Non-Science Majors. The Mythology class gets my arts credit and my critical writing credits. The Biology class gets my science credits. I intended on getting a math class too but they were all full. I qualify for Pell Grants I'm just waiting on my financial aid to come through. It should be another 3 to 4 weeks before everything is completed because of the paperwork they require. After this semester I need 14 more credit hours and finish. That means two semesters and I'll have my Associate's Degree in General Studies. After this I think a paralegal certification is on the agenda.