Jan 31, 2013 11:06
Today hubby final out's of housing and the Post we are stationed at. We get to leave tomorrow to head for OK. I am thrilled. I am hoping the final inspection went well. I haven't heard anything, and I'm at the hotel with the dog and the boy child. We are still looking for a house. I've got a couple of leads. I have one that we could get no problems. It looks small from the outside, but it has a fenced yard, 3 bedrooms, and a carport. for $650. Which YAY! Considering the house we had last time we were there was $875 that's excellent. They're even willing to let us have Sarge there. I won't know for sure if we can get it until next week. They had a family emergency and are out of town until then. But I've talked to them on the phone and it sounds good.
The past week has been good. Mom got here thankfully. I got really sick like in bed for 48 hours and sleeping for about 40 of those hours. I had nothing ready for the movers and I'm lucky I pulled what I could together. I don't know what I would have done without Mom. She's done most of the cleaning and cooking since she's been here. It's given me time to get better and rest. My hubby however hasn't hardly helped at all. He's spent most of his time off work playing battle star glaxtica online. He hasn't done any of the final clean, The only thing he did was load up trash and take it to the dumpster. Very frustrating. I got into it with a friend over complaining about hubby and how I should just apprectiate the little he does do since he's leaving soon. That shit don't fly with me. He's a part of this family he enjoyed the house and the food and everything else he needs to help finish getting ready to leave. I have filled holes replaced blinds, and door stops. I have cleaned walls, baseboards, and bathrooms. Mom did pretty much everything else. But we're out and we're done. Now onto the next place.
I guess it's time to get dressed for the day and find out how it went.