I have discovered a fabulous new time wasting utilizing website. Thank you thebloggess.com (super super SUPER blogger). :D
It is
yes.thatcan.be/my/next/tweet/ . It is a world of semi-random awesomeness, which has provided me with such gems as:
TIME HAS STOPPED. I swear, just don't read. They just don't know what? With any luck I'll need passwords!
? (Yes, this came up twice; nothing but a single question mark. I never post single, lonely question marks. I am beginning to think this thing just reads my mind's unsorted assorted thoughts...)
Justelene on the scanner 2day!Some1 actually wanted a trouper for dear life - La femme d'argent ...
Thanks! Yeah, it had me a couple of Loch Lomond for 10 E costs 60 E!! T-T thanks!
Aan de kleur dan. ... : D: it's nippier than it was just when my work computer so I am NEVER leaving? (watch me unravel into a horrid realisation)
OK, enough of that for the time being. Go try it for yourself, you will not be disappointed.
EDIT: I totally lied. Must share:
TIRED. probably aneamic again. OMG IT'S THE SUN! I think sometimes have a good half 11.
XD to style my work playlist, most retarded thing a good for ever- you'll get notifications on 2.
(omfg this one is almost coherent.. if you closely analyse it) Working in orde.Alleen 'n hekel aan t terras op te lezen vinden op Norwegian Wood van de snowboots die!
^^ on another note, I've bought myself out for groceries when 1st time this year. (how generous of me)