wearing four different colors in honor of feeling good

Nov 18, 2003 11:13

This weekend megan and I drove around taping 'the bizarre' for a performance poetry project:

two policement on horseback, one of them dressed as a clown.* when asked why, he said in his experience, people got nervous/afraid around police. but not clowns, I guess.

and in the tattoo parlor, one boy I talked to showed me his tattoos, solid black from his toes up almost to his knees, and the same from his hands to his elbows. he was studying to be a minister, and he had these knee-socks/elbow gloves of black ink tattooed, like that was how far the evil seeped in before he got religion.

we also met a psychic out raking her leaves. she was pregnant and wearing a mickey mouse sweatshirt. do you know it costs $50 to get your palm read?

*I should mention that I live next to a large university which was playing its rival that day; I don't imagine this man came to work in costume regularly
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