Mar 28, 2002 23:34
So explain something to me. Emo is the wrong thing to be? What, exactly, is the difference between tom waits and dashboard confessional? They're both anguished voices, yet one is art and the other is not? I thought emo basically meant emotional, and frankly, I can't think of any music that isn't emotional. So where does the difference come in? Is it just the emo 'lifestyle' that's looked down upon? MOC and a following of mopey kids, but every style has its tag-alongs. Potheads quoting Huxley (though being knowledgeable is impressive*) shouldn't detract from A Brave New World's credibility. The same applies to jazz--there are far more diana krall background-sexy artists today than there are Charlie Parkers. Just because ambience is replacing fire doesn't mean it's any less. And maybe diana krall/pedro the lion/etc have merit of their own.
And even if some of these so-called emo musicians aren't extremely talented, they still have good intentions (which isn't supposed to sound as grandmotherish as it comes out. but the moldy peaches sing some of the prettiest words I've heard in a long time. And if people think they're a joke in terms of sound, fine. But musicianship/artistry/expression are supposed to be personal. This goes for the consumer as well as the producer, and condemning broad genres isn't fair.