Aug 18, 2014 08:58
My god. The dreams I have are so disturbing that I don't believe I should discuss them with anyone. Ever. I have no idea why, but last night I was sleeping so soundly that I believe I could have slept for several more hours if I had not been been awakened by my alarm at 6:00a. I am still yawning and rubbing the sleep from my eyes today, and I've been awake for two hours now. The deep, deep sleep seems to cause the disturbing imagery a little more than the lighter, less intense sleep does. Couldn't tell you why I slept deeper last night. I haven't had much exercise. Perhaps its the fact that it was a weekend and I actually had fun that caused me to rest a little easier.
Friday night was pretty uneventful. I drove home from work, spent time on the sofa, made dinner and lazed about. Also spent a fair bit of time knitting on the infinity scarf that I started last week. Saturday morning I did exactly what I wanted to do. I was able to wake up and enjoy my cup of coffee at home. I then drove (shakily) to Berkeley where I found rock star parking and had brunch at Cafe M. Deliciously light and fluffy crab cake benedict. Spent the next half hour or so at the LHBS store getting supplies for afternoon fun. Quick stop at the Tokyo Fish Market and I was on my way home. Spent a few hours on Saturday afternoon brewing the apricot wheat ale I've been dreaming of making for so long (fermentation took off in a little over an hour!). I'm going to go two weeks in primary, one week secondary for this one, and then bottle for however long I can stand it. After that I made chirashi donburi for dinner with the morning's spoils from the fish market.
Sunday morning I debated with myself about going to temple or not. There was a small anime fair in Japantown that day, and would have probably enjoyed myself. Instead, I decided to stay home and relax, since I'd had such an eventful day on Saturday. I made a couple of pans of enchiladas for lunch, putting one away in the freezer for a rainy day. I bottled the pumpkin ale by cleverly rolling each of the carbonation tabs in pumpkin pie spice before bottling. I hope that did the trick for adding a bit more flavor. The beer itself smelled rather bland and strange. here's hoping it turned out alright. We'll know in a few weeks. I finished the infinity scarf and watched some TV. Tried desperately to hold on to a positive attitude long enough to finish the day.
Tonight I'm going to attempt to swim. It went so horribly last time that I left in a huff, several people stuffing into my lane without even asking. I had half a mind to ask for my money back, but it doesn't matter. I got in 20 laps. Tonight, I'll wait and get there around 7:55p and see if it's any better then. It has to be. Summer swim hours end this week, so I've got to believe it will get better after this. I might not get in my full swim, but I'll get in something.