Jul 07, 2014 09:19
As of 4pm on Friday I have been on a [very brief] break from work. The last break I had was to travel to New York for Adam's graduation at the end of May, and that was more running around and not sleeping than it was restful. I have needed a break for a while, but this trip was anything but replete with nice experiences.
I wrote out a long, drawn out post of the weekends terrible occurrences (come on, was a good weekend really even possible for me?) and then decided against it. Too many bad things occurred. Here are the highlights:
July 4th
[7:30a] Coffee alone. This would be the last happy moment for the entire weekend.
[9:00a] Packed Josie's ice chest full of zombie honey ale. Pack rest of junk. And bathroom junk. Bathroom junk is important.
[9:45a] Got out of Alameda. Tricky. 70F.
[10:45a] Stopped in Vacaville. Hit three letterbox locations, found one. Other two covered in spiders. Scratched legs to bejesus and back on primrose plants under a bridge. 90F. Sweaty and sore.
[11:30a] Fenton's for breakfast ice cream. 95F.
[1:05p] Hilton Roseville. Nice room. Air conditioned. Three Amigos on cable. Shower. Now just tired and sore.
[3:00p] Sean and Risa arrive. Watch TV.
[4:05p] Go to Westfield mall under duress. Buy delicious tea and candy for Josie.
[5:15p] Back to hotel. Cal expo on fire on the TV. Beg to stay in for the evening. Not allowed to.
[6:30p] Candy's parents' house. Drop off beer in the kitchen. Yeah. Grown woman living with her parents. Not many people we know. Try to have a good time anyway. 99F. Tired. Drive with Risa to get dog. Blow through stop sign at 30 mph.
[9:00p] Fireworks. 102F. Steven says how much he misses his life back home. Other women here are so gorgeous. Big fight.
[10:45p] Drive back to hotel. Lots of tears. Steven goes up, I stay in the car. Try to sleep in car, but can't.
[11:30p] Go up to hotel room, say I can file our divorce papers on Monday. Cry. Sleep.
July 5th
[7:30a] Wake up. Remind myself I didn't die last night, even though I have a huge hole in my heart.
[7:35a] Drag myself out of bed, put on swimsuit. Drive to Mike Shellito pool behind Nugget. $6 lap swim fee.
[7:55a] Swim mile in under 1 hour. Very nice pool. Enjoy myself despite trying not to cry into goggles. Shower. Great facility. Wish I could swim there every day.
[8:45a] Drive back to hotel. 80F. Cry on the way. Pray to god they are still serving breakfast so that I can have a cup of coffee. All I want in the world is a cup of coffee.
[9:05a] Get coffee. Bright spot in the day. Go back up to hotel room.
[9:40a] Come back down to get another cup of coffee and a yogurt. Book noon checkout time.
[10:00a] Hotel room. Sean and Risa come by. Relax. Try not to cry in front of them. Clean up and pack.
[11:30a] Check out. 95F. Stop to get a bag of ice and gas. Head to Early Toast Mimosa House for Risa's birthday meal. Best crab cake benedict I've ever had in my entire life. Last bright spot of the weekend.
[1:30p] Century Theater. Edge of Tomorrow. Did not like it, but at least theater is air conditioned.
[4:05p] 99F. Car. Barnes and Noble. Look at books. Starbucks inside. Bathroom. Change clothes.
[5:35p] Ella Sacramento. Valet parking $5. Good deal. Nice bottle of wine. Two glasses. Steven has bourbon flight. Steak tartare. Cheese board. Beef tenderloin. Pork tenderloin with black eyed peas. Brownie. Mint pavlova.
[7:30p] Start drive home. 90F.
[8:30p] Patton Oswalt Pandora station. Cross Red Top. 70F. Relief. Steven snoring.
[9:00p] Arrive home. 69F. Feed cat. Apartment smells REALLY bad and can't figure out why. Resolve to clean the entire thing tomorrow. Couch. Sleep.
July 6th
[7:30a] Wake up. Still not dead. Surprise.
[8:00a] Coffee, SVU, shower. Feel a bit better. Apartment still smells like death. Start cleaning.
[9:30a] Laundry, dishes, vacuum, sink, sweep bathroom. Wonder why it is I ever look forward to doing anything. It never seems to work out.
[11:00a] Locate stink: bathroom floor mat. Smells like a six weeks dead sewer rat.
[12:30p] Decide not to leave the apartment for the rest of the day. Leftovers. Make food at home. Shrimp alfredo pasta. Homemade clif bars for breakfast this week. Used up the almond flour. Good job.
[7:30p] Tired of cleaning and cooking. Decide to shampoo carpets this coming weekend. Forget to put vacuum away. Fatal Frame II.
[10:00p] Accidentally fall asleep on couch with hands above my head.
[10:30p] Arms asleep. Get up and go to bed.
July 7th
[6:05a] Wake up. Still not dead. Surprised again. Lay on back for a few minutes.
[6:09a] Get up, get dressed.
[6:25a] Leave for work.
This brings us to now. I don't think I've ever felt less motivated to be productive in my life. Agency is still here, and will be for at least another two weeks. Possibly more. Keep head down and try not to break anything.