Jun 26, 2014 09:02
Ugh. Sore throat. Been getting progressively worse since around noon yesterday. Trying to save my voice and drink warm things. Was able to wake up and come to work alright, but it was painful. I've been carpooling with Josie for about a month now which works really well for us, so that was my motivation for actually coming in today. Oh my god, it's been months since I've had a sore throat, and it's killing me. What I really need is just time at home to rest, but that's not going to happen. I don't know how many more 12 - 14 hour work days I have in me if I'm actually getting sick. I want the agency to leave, and let life around here get back to normal. Meanwhile, I'm trying to figure out what to get for lunch today. Throat is killing me, so normal food is likely out. I have a yogurt here that I can consume; that's a start. Maybe I should go to the market and buy some cold medicine and soup. That might work for a lunch. I'm starting to sink into feeling terrible, and it's not getting better.
I was actually looking forward to the weekend for once. Now it looks like I'll just be spending time on the couch recovering. Crap.