So it's been a while.....

Jan 20, 2005 07:23

I know it's been a while. Sorry to all of those that have wondering what happened to me. I started working! (Both the feeling of blah, impending doom, and yeah for money!) I am a temp for my father in-laws company (No he doesn't own it but he is a vp). I am typing in people's education background into a database. A broken one but that's not the point...
Anyways, I've been busy. Every time I think that this job might be over they find new things for me to do! I decided I like working with my hands, (Not typing) too much to do this for the rest of my life. I want to learn to build furniture. Beautiful rustic but elegant pieces. I have them all planned out in my mind... if only I had the time, money, and energy (Along with a work area) to do it. Anyways, I don't think I am too happy with all of them but it pays me very well. I am just looking forward to moving onto different opportunities in my life.

So I have to say my two cents about Bush's Little Party today!
I find it incredibly rude, stupid, and careless to put so much money into your own god damn party when the men and women you have sent to fight your own little war on your imaginary arch nemesis are dieing. When you sit up there today I hope that there is someone in the front row with a sign, would you die for your country? You made my Husband, or my wife, or my brother, sister, mother, father. Bush is a pussy who doesn't know how to lead a country our even part of one. He is hateful, discriminating, and frankly I think he is a pore excuse for a human being. He doesn't care about the sanctity of life, or how people are dieing for his war. He doesn't care about peoples rights, or the constitution. No mater what he says today. He doesn't believe in the right for two people to marry, regardless of their religion which is against the constitution of America and the bill of rights. As you can tell, I did vote, and my vote was not for this money hungry, excuse for a human.

Alright now that I think I have gotten some of that out of my system. I might be an Aunt soon. My brother's girlfriend might be pregnant. he is not living at home but with her family now. My sister lost her virginity about the same time. Silly girl. Though she did wait a year longer then me. But now the guy wont talk to her! SOB! My dad had a fall, broke his toe and hurt his knee, might have to have surgery, but today is his birthday! I think he is 66, but we wont mention that! My mom hurt her back but it seems to be doing better.

I miss friends... I miss having a life... I miss my art, I miss being creative. This job sucks the life out of me....

*Huggles, Kissles, Snuggles*

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