Rant: Kira Takenouchi

Dec 22, 2036 10:00

Note: This is a reposting of the post, due to the first one being suspended. There is no new information here and no material infringing on copyrights. Comments coming soon. For future comments on here, PLEASE do not post Kira's work on here, as it will just result in the post being suspended again ( Read more... )

taming riki, kira takenouchi, yaoifix, yaoi, yaoi house, kira, rant

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Sociopaths, Psychopaths... jaxxy_no_jutsu July 25 2009, 06:23:13 UTC
These need intensive in-patient psychotherapy -- complete psycho-reprogramming, in fact.

From a young age (two? five?), they fully realize that they simply don't feel. Well, I mean, they don't feel as others feel -- bad for a sick dog, guilty for stealing, etc. So they learn to mimic "normal" folks.

Her responses are shallow and random -- and she speaks/thinks "a million miles an hour" -- because she is acting. She is not thinking or feeling most of these things genuinely; she does not understand that Other People Are Real. She's actually throwing on cloak after cape after hat, trying to convince us of many a thing... but don't worry about her, as she is only doing these things to meet her own ends. Not yours, and never-will-be yours.

To pity or not to pity? Well, almost every total scammer scumbag you know -- the ones we gasp at, because they ruin entire families, and take lives, with no remorse -- suffer from this same disorder. Who knows the depth of this one's? Oh yeah, I know quite a bit of it.

Call me un-evolved, but so long as I know they know what they're doing -- and they do know -- no pity here. I have assigned myself to heal the ones in her path of semi-destruction... someone else, please cover for me (ugh, but don't tell me about it... lol)!



Re: Sociopaths, Psychopaths... jaxxy_no_jutsu July 25 2009, 21:43:29 UTC
As far as sociopathy or psychopathy goes, I'm not an expert. I've met a few sociopaths in my day, and must admit its a creepy experience. I don't think that Kira is a sociopath so much self-righteous and ego-centric. She feels betrayed at the slightest sign of disagreement with her, slips from one mood to another without thinking because to her, other people simply aren't as important. The thoughts and business of her readers aren't as important as her own 'trials' and 'tribulations'. Thus the people she wronged aren't as important as what she's 'gone through'. Her frequent, 'I forget' moments are highly self motivated. She simplyrefuses to think about anything she might have done as wrong. It's all justified and explained away to herself and others because she is the most important person involved. She thinks herself above the law, above the consequences of her actions and above the critism of others. This is clear in her illegal hacking incidences, her continued finger pointing ovr what happened before and her censorship of those that disagree.

I suffer from a long history of depression, and I've hurt people, emotionally speaking. As a writer I've gone through a lot to ensure that the people I sign contracts with and the people that I do business with are protected in case I'm ill again. Kira clearly has no intention of doing so. There are very simple and contractual ways to negate her families abilities to throw away her things or get rid of her work. It's quite simply a contract they enter into, if she needeed to turn over power of attorney for her personal life. She won't do so because she sees this possibility as giving power to someoe else. Her decisions are always right and therefore there is no need for this.

As far as proffessionally, I don't know a single person that would sign a contract with her again due to her intense uproffessionalism in honoring and dealing with those she employs and contracts. This time there is no safety net,and instead of waiting to build and charge for a site when she has those nets in place she selfishly starts without them. She's endangering her readers' rights and completely ignorig her obligations as a moderator and business person. Once again she is above the law, above responsibility and above critism. What may happen, may happen but it's not important enough to plan for or prevent.

Power to her seems to be something of a necessity. She clings to it as her only means of feeling worth something. The more power she can use over others the 'better' a person she is. This is specifically related to her intense censorship practices and her banning people for 'betrayal'. She sees her stories not as a creative outlet but as a money business and a power to lord over others. 'Appease me or never read my work again'is her motto.

(continued below)


Re: Sociopaths, Psychopaths... jaxxy_no_jutsu July 25 2009, 21:44:07 UTC
Onthe flip side is the scared, lonely and bitter girl who sees what she's done and fears the consequences of her actions. Lashing out seems to be a coping mechanism for her own self-loathing and self-esteem issues. The more power she gains and the more support she gathers around her, the more she can ignore her own feelings of helplessness and self-hatred. It's really quite pathetic when one thinks about it.

Evntually people figure out that her work isn't worth that tyranny and move on. Her work, while full of potential is childlike. Her main series 'Taming Riki' is a sadly emotionally watered down version of Ai No Kusabi and her other stories aren't developed enough to really be notable in my book. Her second most developed series 'The Headmaster's Chambers' reads much like a horny teenager wrote it. The overplay of sex and sexualization and lack of characterization in her work create watered down erotic tales I doubt will ever be finished. They simply have no where to go. major plot turns and events can't drag them from their watery graves.

While some of her motivation is original or inspired her stories as a whole fall flat, her chapters are repetetive and filled with fan service. Perhaps this is a harsh critique of her work, but one that is well deserved.

To her these stories are idealized, to be worshipped, and clearly worth far more as an enterprise than they really are. Perhaps at one time they might have really been worth something but considering they've gone on haitus twice already and no one wants to do business with her, I doubt their value has held.

Some stars rise and some stars fall. To me it sounds as if Kira is fighting a loosing battle to rise again. But to rise to what? A Fanfiction idol? Her infamomous business practices have marred a once promising carrier. She's banking on work that is years old with half their shelf-life spent. Rather than ackowlege this, she feels the need to reclaim an 'empire' that doesn't exist anymore, and most likely will never exist again. The more she lashes out at this loss of power, the less power she has... its a self destructive cycle bent on taking everyone down with her.

I recommend a fresh start. A new site that doesn't charge for at least six months and lack of censorship. Such actions would remind readers why they fell in love with her work and who they thought she was then. This won't happen because she needs to feel control. She's desperate not to feel helpless or powerless.

It's a pity, once I admired who she could have been. Now she's the biggest example of what not to be in the yaoi or online fiction world. Her exploits are like a checklist of what not to do when running a business. It's quite funny to think that in this way she's helped dozens of people shore up their own busiess relationships and pay closer attention to the fine print in contracts. Perhaps her continued existance is a reminder of the worst that can be down and how we must all strive to be better.


Re: Sociopaths, Psychopaths... jaxxy_no_jutsu July 26 2009, 10:38:29 UTC
I apologize for my delay.

On my very way to a yearned-for bed, I remembered this two-part post of yours. I could not rest before relaying how wonderful I find your mind to be. But, as there is no doubt you know of your prowess -- and having left my appreciation for it (which is quite above the meagerness of my words) -- I will mercifully move forward.

There is great merit to everything you say. These are timeless truths, period.

My only argument is, in fact, not an argument. I simply wish to emphasize, if not reiterate, my reasons for making such a powerful statement.

As this debate's opponent has repeatedly assured you all, I was, fact, personally involved with her. Hence, her insistence that, in my refusal to run her banner advertisements, "I am not being business-like, but, instead, I am holding personal grudges." Let that admittance be my proof of my unique perspective (though there certainly is more).

I have heard her voice. That alone is much. I also know, intimately, a person who has known her even better. In addition, I have seen, first-hand, how consciously completely she seeks to cripple those who openly love, adore, protect, and cry for, her.

I hope that those familiar with me notice that I do not publicly speak. The reasons are irrelevant -- perhaps uninteresting -- to pretty much everything and everyone under the sun, but it is personal policy and plain fact.

I state the obvious because something has dragged me, with my name and reputation in tow, here. This is none other but the fact that I see people in danger, whom I could possibly help.

Further, understand that your risk-level would have to be very high, indeed, in order to compel me to think upon, create, and release a public essay (or two) that appears to be of an unkind nature.

I must push the point through. I must doggedly strive to succeed in my warning. This debate's opponent, to all of my senses and months-long consideration, is simply -- no malicious intent required -- a literal psychopath.

She has done, and does do, all which you have named above. That, alone, could explain perhaps a Narcissistic Personality Disorder -- or across the range -- over to a Borderline Personality Disorder. "Simply highly egocentric". It's just that I, unfortunately for me, have "insider information".

Below, I had related some details as to my experience with the person in (much) question. I decided to delete it all, lest it over-expose any innocent person, or appear to be angrily written. Instead, I will share with you an excerpt from Wikipedia. Please draw your own conclusions; the Wikipedia page, in its entirety, can be found at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychopathy .

Factor1: Aggressive narcissism

1. Glibness/superficial charm
2. Grandiose sense of self-worth
3. Pathological lying
4. Cunning/manipulative
5. Lack of remorse or guilt
6. Emotionally shallow
7. Callous/lack of empathy
8. Failure to accept responsibility for own actions

Factor2: Socially deviant lifestyle

1. Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom
2. Parasitic lifestyle
3. Poor behavioral control
4. Promiscuous sexual behavior
5. Lack of realistic, long-term goals
6. Impulsivity
7. Irresponsibility
8. Juvenile delinquency
9. Early behavior problems
10. Revocation of conditional release

Traits not correlated with either factor

1. Many short-term marital relationships
2. Criminal versatility

In practice, mental health professionals rarely treat psychopathic personality disorders as they are considered untreatable and no interventions have proved to be effective.[21] In England and Wales the diagnosis of dissocial personality disorder is grounds for detention in secure psychiatric hospitals under the Mental Health Act if they have committed serious crimes, but since such individuals are disruptive for other patients and not responsive to treatment this alternative to prison is not often used.[22]

I herein have given mere offerings -- as a non-psychologist -- easy to take or to leave. I only ask any interested parties to review them carefully, and to make their own assessments.

Good luck!


Re: Sociopaths, Psychopaths... jaxxy_no_jutsu July 26 2009, 15:51:22 UTC
I agree with your analysis of Kira having a personality disorder. I'm merely unsure of which one, since she exibits the symptoms of several.

According to http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/personality-disorders/DS00562/DSECTION=symptoms. She exhibits no less than three types of disorder.

First of all, They define Personality Disorders in the following paragraphs:

"Personality disorder is a general term for a type of mental illness in which your ways of thinking, perceiving situations and relating to others are dysfunctional. There are many specific types of personality disorders.

'In general, having a personality disorder means you have a rigid and potentially self-destructive or self-denigrating pattern of thinking and behaving no matter what the situation. This leads to distress in your life or impairment of your ability to go about routine functions at work, school or social situations. In some cases, you may not realize that you have a personality disorder because your way of thinking and behaving seems natural to you, and you may blame others for your circumstances."

I don't think that anyone disagrees that Kira falls into this definition like a hand into a custom glove. I don't doubt her personality disorder. I think that she is suffering from a different or paired disorder than sociopathy.

Below are the symptoms she fits:

"General symptoms of a personality disorder
General signs and symptoms that may indicate a personality disorder include:

■Frequent mood swings
■Stormy relationships
■Social isolation
■Angry outbursts
■Suspicion and mistrust of others
■Difficulty making friends
■A need for instant gratification
■Poor impulse control
■Alcohol or substance abuse
'Specific types of personality disorders
The specific types of personality disorders are grouped into three clusters based on similar characteristics and symptoms.

'Cluster A. These are personality disorders characterized by odd, eccentric thinking or behavior and include:

'Paranoid personality disorder

■Distrust and suspicion of others
■Believing that others are trying to harm you
■Emotional detachment

'Cluster B. These are personality disorders characterized by dramatic, overly emotional thinking or behavior and include:

'Antisocial (formerly, sociopathic) personality disorder

■Disregard for others
■Persistent lying or stealing
■Recurring difficulties with the law
■Repeatedly violating the rights of others
■Aggressive, often violent behavior
■Disregard for the safety of self or others

'Borderline personality disorder

■Impulsive and risky behavior
■Volatile relationships
■Unstable mood
■Suicidal behavior
■Fear of being alone

'Histrionic personality disorder

■Constantly seeking attention
■Excessively emotional
■Extreme sensitivity to others' approval
■Unstable mood
■Excessive concern with physical appearance

'Narcissistic personality disorder

■Believing that you're better than others
■Fantasizing about power, success and attractiveness
■Exaggerating your achievements or talents
■Expecting constant praise and admiration
■Failing to recognize other people's emotions and feelings"

(Continued below)


Re: Sociopaths, Psychopaths... jaxxy_no_jutsu July 26 2009, 15:52:25 UTC
(Continued from above)

You believe that she is Sociopathic or psycopathic. She does fit these symptoms rather well.

Antisocial Personality Disorder (Sociopathy) they define in the following paragraphs:

"Antisocial personality disorder is a type of chronic mental illness in which your ways of thinking, perceiving situations and relating to others are dysfunctional. When you have antisocial personality disorder, you typically have no regard for right and wrong. You may often violate the law and the rights of others, landing yourself in frequent trouble or conflict. You may lie, behave violently, and have drug and alcohol problems. And you may not be able to fulfill responsibilities to your family, work or school.

'Antisocial personality disorder is sometimes known as sociopathic personality disorder. It's also sometimes referred to as psychopathy. But some researchers believe that antisocial personality disorder and psychopathic personality are different conditions."

I believe that she suffers from something along the lines of Extreme Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder they define in the following paragraphs:

"Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance and a deep need for admiration. They believe that they're superior to others and have little regard for other people's feelings. But behind this mask of ultra-confidence lies a fragile self-esteem, vulnerable to the slightest criticism.

'Narcissistic personality disorder is one of several types of personality disorders. Personality disorders are conditions in which people have traits that cause them to feel and behave in socially distressing ways, limiting their ability to function in relationships and in other areas of their life, such as work or school. In particular, narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by dramatic, emotional behavior, in the same category as histrionic, antisocial and borderline personality disorders. Narcissistic personality disorder treatment is centered around psychotherapy."

I think that this fits her personality type much better than plan sociopathy, which seems to exclude her other symptoms. Narcassists can display the same symptoms as a variety of Cluster B personality disorders, as stated above. I think this really describes her symptoms and pathology best.

Whatever illness she suffers from I hope that she seeks treatment.


Re: Sociopaths, Psychopaths... jaxxy_no_jutsu July 27 2009, 11:02:29 UTC
A good and ironically nearly-fun discussion, lol. Psychology is a favorite study of mine (it's my leaning as an Astrologer).

I dunno! I think our correction of her purposefully-given misinformation -- our work towards getting people's heads OUT of "Awww, just a poor bipolar person"-land (lame, wrong, wrong-o, nomore, kthx) -- is pretty nicely done.

I return only because I must emphasize that, having been WaY TOo cLoSe!!! to her... well, how to say? I mean, I'm not here to pick her apart -- I despise the flavor of "defaming" someone, 'public-figure-so-up-for-grabs' or not. I did not intend to lay her out any more than it'd take to help others to become aware, (possibly-dreamingly-LOL) including her.

Alhough I did get awfully technical, and although I really do believe we needed to make the actual, factual problem as clear as anyone possibly could for our readers... I have to try, just once more, to drive my pin-point home.

I very, very much would be frightened if people brushed her off as "just being a self-absorbed drama queen" (as many are preconditioned to think of narcissists) rather than took to heart my entire and sole point: SHE IS DANGEROUS, AND WILL HURT YOU, TOO.

Please understand, I was there. When I analyze her, it's not a matter of having read her stories and posts, or having been "An Elite" (Jesus Pleasus). My experience was highly unique and up-close. Now, I am FAR from belittling others' positions, that said! I'm here because I know how much it hurt... and because I know I saw things not everyone did. It's my job, and not my pleasure, to do this... I don't have the option to care what anyone thinks of me for it.

I only ask that everyone keep that in mind -- that that's what I'm trying to say -- wherever I mention she's not just living in narcissist-land (if she's truly there at all, as a primary motivation).

I mean, clearly, she manifests as such -- from behind the computer screen, where she can edit herself microscopically -- but I truly believe she (knowingly) appears more "egocentric" than she is, at the core.

In Front Of Me, she toys with people's minds. But it's not done "onstage-only", not done only to "this jerk" or "the ones who were mean to me", or "whoever's money I took and now must run from". She is, as it were, an equal-opportunity brainslut.

Oh yes, she will mindfuck anyone, and quite sadistically. Shallowly and uncreatively, too (hmmm, quite like the twelve pages of Tee Ahr Won I choked down!).

It's onstage, sure, but it's ALSO AND MOST IMPORTANTLY personally and quietly and randomly and pointlessly (other than to agonize those who DO love her). She sends emails feigning love and saying she forgot... ahem, anyway.

It's just not always done to suit her vanity or self-importance... and I know you know how Narcissim really works, but I didn't 'til just a few years ago, and am only trying to protect others who don't know, either.

Sometimes... she just likes it. Other times, she is trying to "get in trouble" -- it turns her on more than anything else, if anything else does -- which is why I have been silent, and am returning to silence. As long as we reward a child for their poor behavior, they keep at it!

I never want to see it again... I'm too busy trying to help the ones whom she is STILL torturing!!

Egh, this is long and rambly... sorry for that, but hey, at least it's just-me. And just-me's just getting really worn out on the negativity. I spent allllll day with my myoosick! and my 'strologies... <3sigh<3. Felt so nice!)

So yeah, guys, just DON'T READ THE TABLOIDS! They really suck your energy. I normally never dew... and still pretty much don't. Go read fic, or write, or play some frikkin volleyball! CAW!!

(... Don't tell Lie-kins, but I haven't really read any of her posts... LOL. I only responded to the half-sentences my eyeball happened to catch on my way out.)



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