Aug 29, 2011 02:13
THE awkward situation: you've got a BF and he's a nice guy and all but you just don't fancy him and the sex isn't good? But we work together so everything will get awkward if you dump him. Plus this doesn't really seem like a fair reason at all to dump someone. He's done nothing wrong really. I'm just not that into him.I know people will all be "Oh you're lucky to have a guy" and "Don't make problems". But the longer we spend together the more I see how this just isn't going to work. We don't really have anything in common. I find him boring and to be frank not nearly aware enough of the world to talk to. Physically he's not my type at all. And though I feel bad saying this, I just kinda wanted a BF, so I lowered my standards. I think every woman has done this at least once in their life. And if not, well lucky you. It leads to complications.
I keep telling myself that he's a nice guy and he really likes me. But am I just putting off the inevitable? Will these feelings actually grow? Or am I just hiding from the truth? Tbh he's never been my "type". And I use the term "type" loosely, what I mean by it is that he's not someone I'd go for or have ever felt attracted to before. Do women who put off these choices end up hurting themselves and the man more in the end? He's a nice guy I don't want to hurt him. But am I hurting myself by keeping myself in a situation I find unsatisfying?
relationship problems