Possible start to the next chapter of Selkies' Skins. Takes place at the time Justin carries Kirsty through the doors of Mara’s Sanctum. Unsure of chapter title.
I am unsure whether to place in the Selkies’ Skins books or the Dragon Shaman books. Leaning toward inclusion with the Selkies’ Skins manuscript. The question then becomes whether in book 2 or 3, but likely 2 since it pertains a bit to the Temple. Does not fit in The Shadow Chronicles since it does not touch on nor affect Willow's growth into Angelina proper, but must occur before all heroines are of the age where they meet bodily.
Selkies' Skins 2
Section 2: Temple's Light
Installment 44
Chapter 17 (part 3)
Untangling the Web, Shifting the Veil
The scent of fox soothed her repose amongst the nest of pillows and blankets within the intricately worked nest shell of silver and precious gems. The ache of her bones had yet to ramp up to it’s normal levels, which increased the longer that she held off the rejuvenation of manifesting yet another body. She had stopped counting long ago, although every time she needed to she did her best to hide it from the kitsune that accompanied her through the centuries. At least the enchanted fire in the pit still crackled to augment what heat came to the Chamber of the Tree from the hotsprings in another branch of the system she had grown and dug.
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Edit: The whole bit will stay in the manuscript, at least at this current time, but will remain a patron bonus.
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