Seriously, sleep was much needed and this is just a ramble.

Dec 17, 2007 05:19

*wonders if anyone one here still remembers me*

You know, I was sitting here thinking (which is never a good idea), and I came across some thoughts that I just needed to type out to myself. I have been through a lot. (not saying no one else has or that I was the pity party, just stating some things on my mine) Yet, in my head, it all seems like a big circle. Yes, yes I know the whole theory about life being a circle and one must die so another can live. And the whole needing to have balance. Also karma. But, all that aside. How, no, not so much how but why, why does life go on like it does?

I mean, yea people are assholes most of the time and we get over that. We love, we loose and we move on. We grow and we learn. But who's to say we aren't just setting ourselves up for bigger disappointments? Yes, one can also argue that with out the risk of that 'bigger disappointment', we gain nothing worth anything. So down to the basic reason I started this whole rant/rambling.

Why is the heart such an easy thing to break? Why do we feel the need to give it away on such easy terms? Should it not be locked away until that one person that we KNOW fully and honestly will not break it comes along?? Why, why is the key so easy to give away, yet so hard to take back? Why do we love the people that harm us but hate the ones that love us? Is this all just human nature? Is this what we, essentially, are? Do we live and breath for love and heartache? Sometimes it looks as if we do. We live to make ourselves better, so other will 'like' us. We live to make our material things nice to people will envy us. Why? What is the reason behind this? Are we scared that when it comes right down to the basics, the person we are attracted to wont like us for who we are. For the nerd and idiots and fuck ups that we are? I don't apply this to every single human being out there. I know that there are many that do not act this way. But if you honestly sit back and look out side of your little box that you keep yourself in, notice that the vase majority of people are like this.

Yes, yes. That also brings up the whole individuality and uniqueness of each and every person and how no two people are exactly alike. But, but, if you look hard enough, there are only a few actual types of people. There aren’t many that are ‘real’. I think that word has lost all meaning. We have progressed so far as a whole and mankind has developed so much, that the simple things are lost.

What ever happen to holding hands and kissing in the rain. Seriously. People don’t actually so those things anymore. Yes, I know that there will be a few of you who come back and argue every point I have tried and most likely failed to make, but this is why these are MY thoughts. My own. From my eyes. What ‘I’ see.

I have noticed most people wont catch on to what I am rambling about so here is my opinion.

The most basic form of something, other than atoms and all that science talk, is real. You must be real and have real feelings to be happy. Real people like real things. The emotions and the feeling behind an act. Such as holding hands. Real people like the warm, so to speak, feeling that one gets when you hold the hand of a good friend or someone you love. Where as fake people look more for the feeling of being approved and noticed.

Why some feel the need to be fake is beyond me. Why does it matter how many karats a ring is? Why cant people see the meaning behind it? What does it matter if it’s small? It’s there because someone professed their love to you. Because they thought enough about you and had feeling for you enough to want you to be theirs. Marriage as a whole is taken to lightly. To some, if it doesn’t work then there’s always divorce.

Some will argue that this is due to the fact of the religion aspect that is taken to lightly in America. But really. Come on people. We are adults, some of us more so than others. Why is it so hard to figure out what is right and what is wrong. Yes, this is taking things crazy serious and asking for one hell of a beating in arguments. But really.

I don’t know. Maybe little Sally just needs sleep.

Until next time.

Sweet dreams and much love. 
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