An airbag saved my life

Sep 22, 2000 23:37

So... whats new??? Well, not much, not much. Wow, these sure are the seasons of emotion. And like the wind they rise and fall. There really aren't enough words to describe how tempromental (sp?) the spirit, mind, soul of the standard human is, like I just constantly am trying to catch my breath after narrowly have beating the system yet again. Why do I feel as if I am constantly being tested? Probably because I am. I was abducted by aliens and am now being studied in every way, examined, pressed and poked and prodded to see if I can give the response the aliens want to see. Well, at least, thats what it FEELS like sometimes. I wonder if that APC song "Thomas" was written about Thomas Hobbes? Maynard could be singing "Show me the way to forgive you" because Thomas Hobbes's theories made Maynard so bitter and cynical that it impeded his ablity to connect and communicate with other human beings. I don't know, just a thought. I read something really interesting by Thom Yorke the other night, while surfing the abundance of Radiohead sites on the net. I think I will copy paste the exact quote, because it made me feel soooo good to read what he had been thinking was the same as me, except where I lack the abilty to put these feelings into words, Thom absolutely fucking nailed it.

"Whenever I meet a beauty, I escape or hide in a corner. Not that I think they are intimidating, but they attract horrible people. Some guys really do their utmost to make these beautiful women believe how good they are. Beauty means power. And I'm a bit cynical towards all that. Honestly I've never met a beautiful girl that I really liked. You never get the chance to really get to know them. Result : I don't even take the effort now to try to meet them".

I agree so completely, and this is nothing against females who are beautiful, I mean I don't want to stereotype because I am sure that there are a couple of them that are nice, but it seems to be part of the human condition that power corrupts and makes bad. There are countless examples of this, look at politicians, world leaders. Some of my favorite bands, I have met some of the guys in them and they are total 100% assholes, because they have lived so much of their life with people kissing up to them and trying to make them believe that they are really, special, exceptional people, who have the right to treat others poorly. The same is true of these "beauties" that Yorke speaks of. They attract such horrible, horrible people, men who want to use them and have their bodies but nothing more. These men go to such lengths to get these women into bed, they convince them that they are such fantastic souls, that the women would believe it and start thinking that she is above others. It gives her a sense of superiority, knowing there are all these men that want to sleep with her, it gives her power. And power corrupts, makes the soul bad, makes the mind think it has a right to treat others poorly. The result is that so many of these really exceptionally beautiful women are just, plain, horrible people. SO, to any guys who are reading this: don't lie to women and make them belive they are something they are not just to get them into bed, you are distorting their mind and corrupting their personality. And if you meet one of these already corrupted beauties, don't bother. You will be much happier and ten times less frustrated if you try to befriend a woman, or man for that matter, who isn't corrupted, who is just basically a decent human being. Well, thats the way I think of it anyway.
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