Mar 29, 2005 01:34
I'm trying to do this HTML thing. I'm trying to learn it. If anyone can help me, it's much appreciated.
It's warm and I'm sick, so I can't really enjoy it too much. Ahh well, at least I'm doing homework and reading and not tempted with the outdoors. Thanks to Meredtith for letting me borrow her book, it's keeping me not so bored.
It sucks.. only a month of school left, and though it sounds weird, I actually like it here. Maybe it's cuz I'm away from my parents, maybe it's because I feel like I have really good friends here, maybe I just hated where I came from, but Ypsilanti has been treating me well these past months, and I don't want to have to leave it just yet.
So I'm looking for apartments that may be sublet for May thru August. One or two bedrooms, Veronica and I can share. So if ANYONE knows anyone who knows anyone who can get me a deal, much appreciated. I really don't want to give up my control over MY life just yet.
To all those who are depressed, I'm sorry that Spring has gotten you down. Think about it, spring is a time of rebirth and of growth, metal, spiritual and maybe some other things as well. And to those of you who feel like your falling.. know this..
Even if my life sucks at the moment, I'm having a bad day, and I look sad or upset, I WILL ALWAYS be there for you guys. ALWAYS. If you need me, I am there; it's what being a friend means, and if I consider you a friend, I am here to listen.
With that said... (and the ones who provoked me to write that out.. pay attention, re-read if necessary) I'm going to bed, I'm sneezing and coughing and my whole body aches....
But, I'm still here.