1 -- Leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed.
2 -- I will respond; I'll ask you five questions.
3 -- You'll update your journal with my five questions, and your five answers.
4 -- You'll include this explanation.
5 -- You'll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed
Questions by
twistedserious 1. If you were a cardinal sin, which one would you be, and why?
Hmmmm. Pride, I think, even though it was a close tie with sloth. I suppose pride fits me best - both through the personality trait and relationship with God (where I've never seen the need to abase myself before any Diety and still don't). Not to mention the fact that I've definately got a vain streak too. ;)
2. How did you get into your line of work?
I got my present job almost by accident, because I had the application form handed to me and my arm twisted to fill it out. I found my way there in a fairly scenic route though.
I'm a psychologist by education and I've worked in various segments of the mental health/addiction field. I've always strived to do something socially practical and work with people who were in some ways marginalised and really needed help - whether because they had a mental health/ sexual abuse/ substance misuse problem or (as now) they were refugees/ lived in deprived areas.
My other work is Tarot and that started out as a lark while I was at University, and surprised me with what a powerful and accurate tool it was so I just carried on learning and using it to work with clients.
3. (This one I stole from Jean a long time ago, because I think it was such an interesting question) You're having a dinnerparty for six, including you. You can invite anyone, alive or dead, real or fictional. Which five will make your guestlist and why?
1) My father - because I miss him and it would be nice to see him again, even though having him there means that I couldn't include any lover on the guest list - not unless I wanted him to glare across the dinner table at them while sharpening his knife meaningfully.
2) Nikola Tesla - I am a great admirer of the man and his work and I would have loved to ask him about his theories.
3) Neil Gaiman- Love his work and he comes across as a hugely likeable and funny human being - and I'd certainly love to get a chance to meet him and talk.
twistedserious since I'd like to meet you, and I think you'd enjoy talking to the other people there.
5)Susan - because I haven't sen her in a long time and it would be nice to get a chance to chat and catch up.
4. Do you think there's an end to the universe? Why/why not? How can there be/not be and end?
Hmmmmm. In terms of the Universe I see most questions in terms of both/and rather than either/or. I think there both is and isn't an end.
Is- in the sense that I think there is an actual finite edge to our physical Universe which is expanding out into the Nothingness (converting it into a Somethingness when it touches it) - and that at one point the Universe gets pulled back into itself and once more it explodes into Being and expands (the Big Bang and the Big Crunch, the In and Out like the breathing of God).
So therefore there also isn't an end because even though a particular Universe may cease to physically exist in its particular form, it will then be re-born again to start the next cycle and for all I know that process may go on forever - a world without end.
5. If you could wish for anything at this moment, what would you wish for?
To be in a happy, long-term romantic relationship.