All Hallows eve started on a shaky note. Z was running late from work and I was still applying finishing touches to Matei's mask* at 5pm. Helena did a forward roll off the bed managing to bang herself in the head, and then faceplanted the edge of the stairs. Meanwhile Matei became so distraught by the fact that people were coming to our door and we were giving away our candy that he had to lie down in the corridor and weep for a while; predictably the explanation that we would be acquiring our own candy from other people failed to soothe him because his expectations are permanently preset to DOOM, DOOM AND CATASTROPHE.
However, a promise of chocolate coins managed to rouse him from his coma of grief AND get him to sit still for photographs. Considering his mercenary instincts, in a few years he will no doubt be driving up his price.
Respectively: Red Riding Hood, Grandma, The Woodcutter and The Wolf.
His mood brightened significantly once he realised we hadn't lied about the candy. Her enthusiasm for life was gobbled by overtiredness, but at least she is a stoic child.
Despite the children's powerful desire to assist with the carving, I'm still pleased with how these turned out:
*The mask I constructed out of love and patience, tape and paper plates; I'm happy to post a tutorial if anyone is interested.