NaBloPoMo- may you live in interesting times

Nov 02, 2008 20:36

When Pluto got demoted, it made me laugh. Because I (and every person whose credit has crunched recently) are getting punched in the face by it just as much as when it was still officially a planet.

The winds of change are blowing, the planets are moving, and Pluto is rumbling as it starts its long transit through Capricorn. In one sense I don't think it will matter that much who wins the election in the States because we are facing an era of going to hell in a handbasket deeply challenging times for both the US and the UK (on which subject Michael Lutin writes more extensively here. A crisis will face whomever takes office. A collective force is moving and only beginning to make itself felt. It will be years before the epicenter of the quake reaches our feet and years more before it dissipaes.

But curiously, I'm not afraid. I don't think anything at this point is gained by fear. I have survived enough wars and losses to know that the least useful strategies are the ones where we become paralysed by fear or press our hands over our eyes chanting 'It's not really happening'.

Because it is happening indeed my friends, and those whose natal horoscopes feature planets in cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Capricorn and Libra) will feel it personally. Nonetheless, Pluto is about as personal as a tsunami and we are no more than collateral damage of the wave and shouting 'It's not fair!" is unlikely to be an effective strategem.

For the last year I've been having the intermittent versions of the same dream. In my dream we get a warning that unless we leave our house in the next hour with what we can carry we are going to die. In the more nightmarish versions of this I cannot find anything and run around helplessly looking for coats and shoes while my time runs out. Usually however I am frightened but collected. Z and I band together, gather essentials, grab the baby and run.

Pluto isn't served by our panic, or reactiveness. Pluto in Sagittarius brought up the dark side of spiritual beliefs and we saw the rise of religious extremism. Now with Pluto in Capricorn the financial and real estate institutions(to be joined soon by houses of law and government) are getting shaken to see what skeletons tumble out of their closets. We are not being asked to be afraid, merely to be ruthless in our self-examinations and de-cluttering. We are tightening our belts, reducing our expectations while all that is unnecessary is getting stripped away. How traumatic or not this is only depends on our willingness to collaborate with the process.

I dreamt of my other son last night. The Invisible One. Who is not yet born, for all I know may never be born in my life. In my dreams he is small but perfectly formed - a grown up mind in a child's body. In the last dream I have before waking he walks up to me, says "Do not be afraid" and "What is your house made of?" and then he is gone.

We are the piggies and the wolf is huffing at our door. (Sidenote - I just misspelled huffing as hugging; awww, cuddly wolf). This is the testing time when we are being asked to examine the foundations of our marriage/caareer/life and those that were built on delusion or lie will crumble. On the other hand, nothing is a disaster. Those who find themselves in the midst of falling masonry will be given the opportunity to test out what works and start anew.

What is my house made of? Hope, mostly. And the atavistic, bone-knowledge of running. But still, mostly hope.

the hundred secret senses, the underworld, astrology

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