A few weeks ago I went for an ultrasound and was delighted to see my baby spring into view and proceed to wriggle about and moon the ultrasound guy and me.
Because I don't feel the baby moving I sort of expected the baby to be calm - and its wrigglyness made me laugh outloud so that it only wriggled more. Little exhbitionist.
It was somewhat of a shock to see how buzzy it was - how it wouldn't be still for three seconds not when it could be kickboxing, or cartwheeling, or stroking its face. It's clearly got a very hectic schedule, and I think its level of activeness can only suggest that Z's genes are trumping mine at this moment. The ultrasound guy was having a hard time trying to get a fix on the baby's heart because it kept jumping around, but when he finally got it it sounded like horses galloping. That made me laugh outloud too.
It was amazing to see it all actually. Perhaps the best moment when it flashed up a teeny perfectly formed hand with its eensy fingers and knuckles in what looked like a wave. Or bringing its hand up to brush its face.
Afterwards I walked out in a buzz and had coffee and watched passerbys be on the receiving end of a summer downpour and my heart felt so buoyant and light that all I wanted to do was throw my head back and laugh and laugh and laugh.
GOOD THING people at work keep leaving me little gifts of food on my desk* (at lunchtime I please myself with imaging it's a form of worship) but BAD THING I keep eating it. The hungers! The hungers are within me and they will not be satisfied except by regular meals and snacking! Woe, woe.
PS. People who have been pregnant/their partners - I'm 13 weeks into this thing and have gained 2 kilos in the last five weeks - is this normal? The swan song of my waistline is depressing me somewhat.
The beginning of the baby bump is upon us and straining hard to UNITE and RISE UP and BREAK FREE of my trousers.
Also, lookit at my H&M booty:
I'm rocking the long t-shirt look at the moment and H&M is catering to my whims splendidly. (Although not so much in the dresses department; lovely summer dresses in store but none of them with adequate bosom coverage. I must have tried on several different dresses and their top bits were little more than nipple shields). Seriously, WTF, H&M? Womenz have buzumz! Please manufacture your clothes to cater to this, kthanx
*today's loot was a panna cotta and a fruit bake bar