
Nov 25, 2003 23:36


Is this help or healing?
A lie or real?
I can't tell.

Perhpas everything I thought I felt, thought I knew was a lie. A figment of my fertile imagination.

Because I am emptiness, and hollowness. Silence inside.
All quiet on the Western Front.

And I think, I always think, I should feel more. I should feel differently. I should feel something.

Except that I feel nothing.
And I wonder if I felt pain it would make things real. It would make what happened real. It would make pain valid. It would make memory valid, instead of things in a half light.

Nothing. Hollowness and emptiness, redefining the past. Smoothing it over, until it is as placid, or as deceptive as the sea.

hollowness & emptiness, lyrical

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