
Nov 06, 2003 20:23

I had a really weird dream just now. Most of my dreams are surreal but this one was especially so.

I think it was extra bizzarre because I had been drawing and painting Tarot just before I fell asleep so that would account for some of the themology/imagery.

I dreamt I was in an alternative sort of London, and Olympia was a kidn of strange energy centre. It was a kind of dark abandoned looking building.

On lower levels of this was my earthly family, and I seemed to exist as myself and as another. It was like the dream had two levels or I had two levels, because I was also a chrome angel.

so there was my aunt wondering through the dream, looking for something and my cousins, trying to get my cousin a present for graduation (these are all elements of the day to day, i fell asleep thinking i needed to call my aunt.
So I think that was just my subconscious to-do list on auto-pilot.

Now, on the other level of the dream I was an angel. Except not your stereotypical looking angel. I was grey, almost as if I had been made of clay. and I was stuck between heaven and earth. I could fly, but not always, because if I felt heavy, or frightened, or sad, then I would turn into lead and I would be too heavy to fly. My name, I think, was Azriel.

In my dream, even though angels are kind of androgynous, I looked male. I also had a goat's head (I think this is down to the Tarot, I had been drawing rams for the emperor card) and I was part of a really strange plot. There was an Emperor there, and Nancy was there too. Nancy and I seemed to be a part of the entourage without really being affiliated with the Emperor, Nancy was more of a detached observer in the house.

The most disturbing part of the dream was that the Emperor was doing things to children. He was making sure that the children were not allowed to speak, so he was sewing up their throats. I was on the outside of the house, on this dark circular balcony (the bulidling looked kind of like the Colloseum) and even though I couldn't figure out exactly how to get into the house I knew what was going on in it.

THere were guards on the balcony. I know this because for a lot of the dream I was getting chased by one of them and we were running arond and around and around. And at some point I threw a guard off the balcony and watched them fall and then I threw myself off, and I was plummetting, because I was made of lead and then I figured out how to fly so I got my wings working and lifted myself up above this dark and depressing city.

It was all very grey in the dream. It felt like a very scientific, cold, detached place and for some reason it was full of mad Japanese scientists. Just before I woke up, I was trapping one of them.

We were falling, and he kept trying to reach out and hook onto me and I kept trying to escape and I think I managed to do it in the end, just before I woke up. Strange dream though, deeply unsettling. Reminded me a bit of Phillip Pullman'sNorthern Lights, the lab in which they do things to the kids, separate them from thier animal spirits.

sandman's realm, signs on the road

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