Before I do anythign else today, I'm going to cry.
Oh yes, I shall.
Because I've just watched the final episode of the Season 4 of Farscape and NOW I'm suffering a mild form of post-traumatic stress disorder knowing that it's ended.
It's ended
No no nonononononononononooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
No no no. I almost refuse to
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Believe me, I lived the pain for a long long time. I watched the last season knowing it was the end, my nose almost pressed against the screen.
Ah, frell - and the final build towards the end, with Aeryn's powerful 'Prayer' and the tale of the goddess Djancaz-Bru:
"And when the last warrior was dying he said 'We gave you everything, why did you destroy us?' and she looked down upon him and she whispered, 'Because I can.'"
Then the magnificent final 'We're So Screwed' triumvirate with Scorpy (my beloved misunderstood anti-hero) proving his quality. And Crichton kicking some without losing his own special poetry:
"Welcome to my cold war. Now what am I offered for all the powers of the universe?"
Offering Aeryn his bike if she kills Scorpy (noooooo!):
"I am Johnny radiation because of you Nosferatu. Everyone I care about west of the moon is here and in danger to make sure that you keep your mouth shut."
And generally putting our heartstrings through the mincer:
"Hi honey. Guess what I did at work today? I wore a bomb. A nuclear bomb in a field of flowers. I could get lucky. Tomorrow I could have a bigger bomb. I could kill more people. Maybe they'll be innocent people. Children, maybe."
Then to the end, with its 'previously on Farscape' prologue - a pic from every ep? - the magnificent, psycadelic colour of it. And John and Aeryn putting us and them all back together at the bitter end:
"You know what scares the hell out of me? From the first moment I layed eyes on you, I could never see the end.
- What scares me is I always could."
And the end of the ep with its hopeful/hopeless little 'To be continued . . '. By the Yotz, I howled at the tv some that night.
And after the end? Joined the other 'scapers in a postcard writing campaign we never/always believed would work. As someone on put it: 'Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that if the Farscape Fandom last for a thousand years, men will still say, This was their finest hour.' All this and I never write to my MP about anything actually important.
And we won.
And now? I have the Peacekeeper Wars. I've watched the first 2 minutes. I just can't watch more. Because after that it really will be all over. And it starts like this:
(Camera pans through wrecked interior of Moya and over Crichton, bruised, battered and unmoving.) (voiceover: Aeryn)
"You did it, John. All the fighting has stopped. There's no more dying. And all of a sudden? Three is not such a scary number. But no matter how wonderful this is, I will not accept it as a trade-off . . for losing you."
(Cut to huge fleet of scary-ass looking ships)
But for you, I will bring myself to watch it, check it's all there and then see if I can get a copy to you before I go off on my xmas travels.
This fangirl waffle was brought to you with love from Noranti: alien belly-dancer and keeper of Scorpy's codpiece.
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