(no subject)

Oct 21, 2004 12:22

I suffered a rather nasty shock this morning upon realising that I had rather less money than I thought, a shock alleviated only slightly by the fact that I'll be getting paid very soon. Currently trying to figure out exactly what my outgoings have been over the last month and whether it's likely that someone has somehow hacked in and nicked my card details and been committing fraud. Of course if they have the joke is somewhat on them since I'm pretty poor right now anyway, but still.

So poring over bank statements tonight and probably marching down to the bank tomorrow morning.

An inauspicious start of the day, compounded by lack of transportation to place of employment so I passed the time making up a song about waiting for buses to the tune of Otis Redding's Sitting on the Dock of the Bay . It's really not very much of a stretch.
I'm sitting at the stop of the bus/Watching cars drive away/ OOoooooh I'm just Sitting at the stop of the bus, wasting time....

Sometimes I do begin to wonder whether the 187 bus is in fact simply just a figment of my imagination, and wishing that I could take a UFO to work instead because not only would that be cool but chances are the sightings would be more frequent.

Sadness at work because my favourite co-worker is leaving (*quiet sobbing*) to work in another SureStart. My boss is in mourning and already lamenting the loss of a partner for smoking breaks, so my other co-woerkers are suggesting I take up smoking again to fill that hollow.

money money money

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