Iryu: He'll save your life! Always! Even if you're already dead!

Oct 27, 2008 17:26


Scarred, rebellious hero fighting a corrupt system with a ragtag team of offbeat medical geniuses. How can you resist?

Warning: SAY GOODBYE TO YOUR SOCIAL LIFE. The first few eps are entertaining crack (fueled by dramatic coat-swishing and an endless rotation of hot shirtless doctors), then it sneaks in with actual plot, and before you know it you're entangled in cliffhangers, power plays, moral dilemmas, badass music, epic surgery scenes, and tricky hospital politics that span both seasons.

There is no escape.

Asada Ryutaro is a genius heart surgeon -- and out of a job, because he's mouthy and stubborn and enjoys going on the roof at night to "train his technique," which for some reason involves billowing smoke around his hard, naked abs.

Let us take a moment to admire his... firm... qualifications.

And lingering, totally plot-necessary showers.


There's also sex! In an Asian drama! With actual movement and everything! No, thank you, Japan.

"What's the diagnosis, doctor?" "I'm not sure, let me straddle the patient and rip their shirt open." This is actually a repeated technique.

Plot? Oh right, plot. Asada lands a job at Meishin Hospital, a place of cold, unfeeling doctors obsessed with profit and prestige. Asada would really rather be at his shack on the beach, banging strange women and waking in a mountain of booze, but he can't resist the temptation of pissing off his superiors: my favorite moment is when he dramatically defies his boss by refusing to wear the standard hospital pen in his coat. Fight the power!!

He also deals in that pesky "conscience" thing, which won't allow him to sit back and watch the hospital stomp on the little guy. This is where the awesome comes in: he forms a team, and together, they stick it to the man...

... by saving countless lives and improving hospital reputation for emergency response. Yeah! Take that, you jerks!

Kato is a cool, competent ballbuster who doesn't bat an eye when she sees Asada naked, and only tolerates him to achieve her own ends. *whimper* It's so hot.

She's also in a secret relationship with Asada's enemy from a rival hospital. Drama! Betrayal! Elevator makeouts!

Poor Ijyuuin is the hospital bitch a fumbling intern intimidated by senior staff.

Male staff.

All the time...

Honestly, I'm surprised he doesn't chafe.

Arase is drawling, drunken anaesthetist who shoots himself up with his own goods and can usually be found stumbling into walls or licking things. Think Jack Sparrow, except in charge of human life.

And here's Fujiyoshi. *__* Ohhhh Fujiyoshi.

Two pimp daddies enter the ring. Only one can leave.

What? You don't scheme half-naked?

Plot. Plotplotplot.

And character development!

Looots of character development.

What d'you think? Did I do a good job pimping an intense, morally grey hospital thriller?

cast: koike teppei, screenwriter: hayashi hiroshi, cast: sakaguchi kenji, cast: sasaki kuranosuke, genre: hospital/hot doctors, cast: kitamura kazuki, genre: our nudity advances the plot, ****, cast: mizukawa asami, *country: japan, genre: friendship/teamwork, cast: abe sadao

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