In about 3 hours I will be in the same room as the godfather of underground comix, R. Crumb. I'm super stoked. This has only been a year in the making and it seemed like it'd never get here and now it's tonight! It's going to be interesting. He's an equal opportunity offender for sure. Francoise Mouly (Art Spiegelman's wife and art editor of the New Yorker) will be with him.
Crumb's most iconic image (and probably his least offensive):
I refer to him as the equal opportunity offender. I can't wait to see just how offensive he's going to be! Luckily nothing much offends me these days.
The only thing I hate is it's going to be very nasty tonight with heavy rain which will make driving home not very fun at all. It was really icky driving in this morning. I'm taking tomorrow off because I didn't get my weekend, my ankle hurts, and I don't want to get up in the dark and rain to come in after having to stay late. There is no telling what time I'll get out of there tonight.
This is the last big thing on the agenda this semester. I have two classes to teach in November, but nothing like the back to back classes in September. I also have to stay late a couple nights for functions. So hopefully things will finally calm down enough that I'm not exhausted when I come home and can think about other things besides work. I've practically given up the hope of writing ever again. I haven't even had time to really read anything either. It's like all the joy in my life had been sucked for months, but hopefully it'll return soon and things will go back to normal. I desperately want to write again.