Mar 10, 2006 07:48
It is 4pm yet?
I already know I'm taking a half hour lunch today and leaving early because I am in so much pain right now that I don't know how I am going to sit here all day. OMG. I am in agony, and I don't use that word lightly either. My knees are throbbing in pain. I hope we're not busy today. *crosses fingers*
I wrenched my right knee yesterday at work, but I didn't think anything about it. I was a bit sore last night, but went to the grocery store last night anyway (had no food so not going really wasn't an option). By the time I got home, I could barely stand to be up, walking around. I managed to get the stuff in that needed to be refrigerated and I went to bed. I was so exhausted last night that I went to sleep at 10. Normally my knees right themselves if I stay off of them a while. No such luck this time. Getting in and out of the tub this morning was not fun. Driving in made my left knee hurt. The thought of walking in was almost more than I could stand. And now sitting here with my knees bent is owwie. And I took advil. Let me put it this way - I hurt so bad that I don't even want to think about a cup of coffee and a muffin because that means I have to walk and stand in line. Yeah, don't want to do that.
I'm going to spend tomorrow staying off my knees. I should be going with Daddy down to Danville because his middle sister has had another stroke and her heart is starting to fail. So he needs to go down and see his family. But I can't stand the thought of sitting in a car 3 hours down and 3 hours back with my knees aching the way they are. Besides it sounds like I'll be down there next week anyway. My brother is going to drive Daddy down since he's just been cleared to drive by the doctor, but doesn't think he's up for such a long trip.
So much for my weekend plans. At least I have GOF and a laptop...