It's Monday.
Woke up with a mild migraine. My jaw aches and is tender to the touch which makes my neck sore and probably the reason why I have a headache. This started yesterday. Dragged self to work. Probably should have stayed at home, but I'm very stingy about using my sick time. I'd have to be on my death bed before I called in sick.
My washer machine at home went kaput on the last load I needed to do this weekend. At least I have clean clothes for the week while I see about either getting it repaired or buying a new one.
Avoided the Oscars like the plague last night because I simply didn't care, although I did tune in to see what won best picture. All I have to say on that matter is *snerk* Totally made my evening. And Matt Dillon is hot.
I did spend all of yesterday working on my March ficlet... I'm doing well so far three months, three ficlets. *so proud of self*
This amuses me to no end.
*holds throbbing head*