Über Slash Post

May 19, 2007 10:16

By all means, every medium is represented... I'll just start with the most obvious one.

I'm pretty sure that all of you remember Brokeback Mountain - and how everybody loved it because it was about two gay cowboys. I saw it too of course, and except for a flock of very cute sheep and one shag I found it rather boring. It was hyped. Enormously so.

Now I saw another wonderfully slashy film at the theatre only two days ago, based on a true story with real people, actors you can actually understand when they open their mouth (Gyllenhaal murmured.) and a story that's psychologically challenging as well.

I'm talking about Infamous of course. If the name Truman Capote doesn't mean anything to you, remember "Breakfast at Tiffany's" and think again. When he reads a small article about a murder in Kansas he gets intrigued and decides to devote a book to it. ("In Cold Blood", as it is a true story it really exists, how amazing is that!) He gets to interview the killers and well... do I need to say more?

It's more than a simple one dimensional narrative though. As a watcher you have to give some input as well. All Capote wants is for the killer to open up and talk so he can write his book. He is creating a work of art, not only in the pages of the book but also in the man he's talking to. Is it his artwork that consumes him or is it never more than an act?

I can only recommend it, and I do so wholeheartedly.

Furthermore, if you do not want to be traumatised - or do not share my sense of humour - do not continue. All right?

All of them can be found here and credits too of course.

And then there are the Rasputina lyrics...

Rasputina: "Pj + Vincent & Matthew + Bjork"

I'm so fucking, fucking, fucking, hot!

I know you are, babe.

No, it's quite hot in here.

Are you stupid?
It is the nature of my glass house.
Oh fabulous, here's Matthew and Bjork.


Vincent, Polly - Good to see you.

I'm so excited!
I've never been on such an artistic and exclusive double date before.
The erotic reawakening that Matthew has brought about in me...
He's opened up a lot of plebeian activities that I've not... experienced before now. I'm loving it, to do these things that aren't necessarily elfin...

Yea, Bjork, whatever.
I just wanna know when you two get down, who's wearing the clovenhoof strap-on?

Vincent! How rude!
Could I weigh any less? I'm really quite shy in my way, but I like to take on characters for performing with the use of make-up. Eye make-up and lipstick and--some more lipstick -- it's really quite transformative! And when I throw up everything I've just eaten then I feel--

Oh to throw up -- It means what?
Also, everybody, what is the definition of disingenuous?
I want to know so many things.
I've got a lot of money for designer clothes.
I can just trudge through the desert getting my Comme des Garзons skirt all dirty and dusty...
It don't matter.
If hopping into a live volcano feels right, I say do it.

I say, khaki chinos are fine with me on the downtime, but what do you kids say to a picnic?
I've got the basket in the bentley...
We could play some touch football, what do you say?

Hey, yeah, Matthew, we're both hot former football players
I know Bjork can fight like a motherfucker, but Polly would snap-- like a twig--under the smallest tackle
let's put her on a hook and do some minnow fishing
Oh look, she's banging her head against the wall!... and Bjork's recording it

The rhythm! It moves my insides like sunshine jelly!

Isn't she a darling thing?

When she says 'jelly' it makes me think of someone's ass, and then I think--

How dare you, sir! That's my childwoman you're speaking of!

Matthew, I didn't say Bjork.
I'm just thinking of any ass.
Not even necessarily a woman, it could be my own ass.
Like my ass is--

Vincent you are an ass!
You are an ass!

What about my ass?
It's hard from sports

This repulsive celebrity double date has been brought to you by the Church of the Latter Day Saints.

I feel my work here is done for today...

voldie, slash, infamous, film

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