Comment requesting to do this meme and I'll pick seven of your icons, and then you will explain why you love/are using the icon and then post your explanation/this meme in your journal for other people to squee about their icons, and basically it will be a huge squee-fest of love and 100x100 square pixels. :D
Please actually say something like "I wanna do the meme", kay?
this one my friend shoonoo sent me in a link to fairy avatars. I loved the her so much that I had to use her, and bring her over to this account. I tend to use her when I'm feeling rather 'eh' about something, though I'll also user her as a general sort of icon when the mood strikes me. I have no clue who made it.
this one is also from the same link as the one above. that link died, and i can't find them again. I use this one more for when I'm feeling sad, or melancholy, and sometimes when I'm just thoughtful.
my Ruki icon~! 'Personal Jesus' is one of my favorite songs, and I like the Manson version of it, because it sounds like an advertisment, which kinda suggests to me, that we can pick and choose who and what helps us or inspires us, and Gazette does inspire me alot, mostly with my singing, and some with my guitar, and they really make me want to hurry up and learn all of it so I can finally learn to play the bass. xD
this is my default icon, I use it when I don't know what to use, and when having any discussions about religion. i got it at
I found this in
potterpuffs and it made me laugh so hard I couldn't breathe, and I had to have it. I use it when ever I'm, talking about Harry Potter, or fandom in general, and as the mood strikes me. it was made by
this one also makes me laugh, i like using it in talks of Naruto, and in lighthearted talks about sexuality, or just when I think it's funny. it's made by
Miyavi is love and awesomeness. I'm in an RP comm,(
takama_ga_hara), and I use this icon when I post playing Miyavi, as well as a general use icon. I love it because of the lights particularly and the way that they kind of circle Miyavi. it was made by
this one also amuses the heck out of me. I love the look on his face, and the fact that it says livejournal on the book is only one more reason to laugh. i use it when ever I have no other words that I can say, usually when I am utterly appalled by something. i haven't the foggest clue who made it.