Well now, s'been a while since I used this gadget. Seems like there's been a lot of changes since I've last been here, too.
But anyway, was just wonderin' if anyone was still runnin' the tavern over here in Espoir. If not, looks like this old man's got some work ta do.
[Filter: TO THE VESPERIA CREW]Looks like I see some familiar names here. Rita
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Really now~? Well it can get kinna lonely out there, so I wouldn't mind at all.
Really? Great! I owned a bar back home, so I'm starting to miss the work.
I'm Tifa, by the way. Tifa Lockhart.
Well now, it's a pleasure ta meet ya, Tifa darlin'. You can just call me Raven.
You know where the tavern is, don't ya?
Pleasure to meet you too, Raven. Sounds like you just got back into town.
Sure do, I've passed it a few times.
Yep, seems like this world hasn't had enough of me. Funny thing is, I didn't even know I had left my own world in the first place, and didn't even think about Somarium.
Then ya can stop by anytime~ I'll be there sprucin' the place up again.
Really? You hadn't missed anything important?
Maybe I'll come by tomorrow.
If runnin' around followin' orders is important. [old man sigh] But nope. Pretty much picked up right where I left off if I'm rememberin' right.
Well then, I'll keep an eye out for ya.
Should I bring anything?
Just yer lovely self will be fine.
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