(no subject)

Aug 29, 2016 13:50

Getting a job immediately after sending an offer = feels I've made a pricing mistake. Of course, not getting a job = also feels I've made a pricing mistake. Having to drop the price is irritating, and makes me resentful.
I wish clients would just tell how much money they have budgeted and I'd tell them what they get with that price.

Pricing is the most annoying part of freelancer life.

Spent a couple of days with my 93 year old grandma, who has lost her memory. She is confused and sad, just a shadow of the strong-willed matriarch of just a decade ago. Ahh, it is a sad thing to get old and lose your self... and what do I have left myself even in the best possible scenario, maybe 60 years, max 70, if I'm lucky. Now I feel a strong urge to go out to the world and have adventures, when I still have the time. Haven't actually done anything adventurous, but buried myself in hard-boiled scifi thriller (Altered Carbon by Richard Morgan). All those fistfights! Bullets flying! The vitality of violence! Maybe fictional violence is so popular because it does work as an antidote against the gloomy feeling one gets from the knowledge of mortality.
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