Professor Ljubvi!

Jan 27, 2008 23:04

Po prosbe Yoko Ono v dekabre 1980 goda na 10 minut zamolchal radio efir! Stuk serdca!
Chelovek szheg ikonu! Everest bil stert s lica Zemli! John Lennon ubit!
Po toj zhe doroge chto i John, ja podhodil k poradnoj! 28 let proshlo! Tot zhe kamen! To zhe nebo! To zhe velichie! Central park west and 72 str. - The Dakota!
Podoshel, pozdorovalsja, pomolchal, podumal! Smotrel na znaju pochemu...Zdes hodil John! Otsjuda ego zabrali v bolnicu, zdes v nego streljali, zdes on upal!
i vse utro govoril slova - There's nothing you can do, that can't be done!
Neskolko foto s teh vremen:
Avtograf dannij Chapmanu v tot vecher, zarisovka policejsckih, John i Yoko za 2 mesjaca do sobitij.

John:" It's not out of our control. I still believe in love, peace. I still believe in positive thinking. While there's life, there's hope. Because I've always considered my work one piece. And I consider that my work won't be finished until I'm dead and buried. And I hope that's a long, long time."

Emocionalnoj okraski net u pustoti!

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