Quitters gonna quit

Aug 21, 2011 14:23

Okay, hey!

I've just started a new SoulSilver game, after a whole day of transferring my old pokes to another name. I'm sentimental, okay? So far I have one badge and here is my party:

→ Quilava (m, Leo)
→ Mareep (f, Amparo)
→ Sentret (f, Samantha)
→ Hoothoot (m, Archimedes)
→ Bellsprout (m, Vittorino)
→ Wooper (f, Guadalupe)

It's very temporary, but yeah. Cyndaquil line because I have lousy luck with fire pokes in SS.

Lately I've been thinking about American comics a little and my tiny dabbles, maybe because of the DC bullshit going on. There was this one time where my brother asked me why I liked DC over Marvel, and in truth I... don't? He just caught me reading a DC series at the time. I think I like/dislike them equally, and I go through the following loop when I get into something comics:

a. Pick a series or two, maybe something you started long ago but never continued, and enjoy it
b. Something truly awful happens
b1. It got canceled/rebooted
b2. The one character(s) you like is(are) now fucked beyond repair
b3. b2, then b1 (yeah, it's happened)
c. Swore off the company (DC/Marvel) and drop anything else by them you were reading, in resentment or fear of what they might do to that too
d. Hey, what does the other company (Marvel/DC) has right now that I might like?
e. GOTO a

Which is incredibly bratty, I know. But I'm not a comics fan but a casual fan of very few titles that happen to be comics, so I don't give a shit.

But in short, when people ask me DC or Marvel, I feel like they're asking me Shounen Jump or CLAMP. They've both made series I've liked, but they're still pretty much awful people and I should know better.

Meanwhile, I soothe my pain over Booster Gold being canceled and Rip Hunter never existing by checking what kid!Loki is getting into at Journey into Mystery. My coping methods are just weird but I regret nothing... until something stupid happens and I do GOTO a.

my pokemans, dc comics, random comics, marvel comics

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