Awright! Twistasa Retconvoir Chronicle is OVER! Let's have a party! Let's point out the million plotholes, or wank, or squee, or whatever! Doesn't matter if you hate it or love it, let's just celebrate they got on with it.
So, play them off, keyboard cat.
BGM ♫))
Me, I'm just. Surprised they decided to make everything I used to dig about the series pop out in the epilogue, like saying "hey, remember when you gave a fuck about this country? and there was few angst? and you shipped this? and you shipped that? and you didn't roll your eyes with this guy? yeah, for old times' sake, have them all, sort of there".
CLAMP? A little too late for my brand of fanservice, but I kinda find the irony amusing so. You get a funny fail gif with a kitten intead of a fail macro, for the effort.
I wanted a wankier ending, though. I even bought microwave popcorn, man. Then again, the lack of twists might be a twist itself.