Oh, the meta

Mar 08, 2009 16:07

I'm probably thinking too much about the cultural and geographical differences between Kimlasca and Malkuth. There's some interesting meta that could be said, and I probably will. Also, last night in my RP's chatroom, somehow we were talking about Kabbalah terms used in fandoms. And well, I was left thinking about the names in Tales of the Abyss related to that. Of course, we know about the Sephiroth trees and the Qliphoth. But when it comes to names of places, I'm sure it must have some (silly, I hope) hidden meaning that all those names coming from a Qliphora are supposedly related to Kimlasca (only exception is Akzeriuth, but it canonically belonged to Kimlasca once so it's still valid). All the Sephira names are related to the other three nations. I say supposedly because I can't find a list of the Qliphoth node things with my google-fu -this shit has one million romanizations, who knows which one has the info-, and this fansite says it so.

I almost forgot that laurus_nobilis gave me some topics:


While I like programming -in moderation-, and doing user interfaces gives me a headache and can't be done without a textbook next to me, I adore HTML and CSS. I'm aware it's not quite programming languages. But the idea of molding a website is appealing to me, lots more than molding an UI for software/applications. I like playing with the visual disposition of text, navigation, and images. The idea of home decoration horrifies me -and I'm 26 years old, WTF- yet I like this which is the WWW equivalent, I don't know why. I'm a messy, volatile person by nature, yet I like to arrange tags and giving values to attributes.

If I could, I'd like to work doing that. With some web programming on the side so it's not all artistic and I might use the left side of my brain as well.

Non-emo characters

I'm an easily depressed person myself. My fandoms are for escapism. I don't mind emo per se, but it drives me off the wall when the whole (or almost the whole) reason-de-être of a character is to suffer lots all the time. I want balance: good feelings, bad feelings, character development, see effective ways to channel that sadness. I absolutely can't play one of this monofeeling people on RPs for this reason. Not that I go for extremely genki characters either, but I like writing or playing for my enjoyment. I don't enjoy someone eternally moping or in perpetual PMS. I tend to prefer for muses/pups/whatever those characters who, although have gone through shit or have done shit to others, are able to face life in the eyes and move forward, as hard as it is. It takes courage. And I admire that a lot. And mind you, it's just more fun to play around.


Penguins, yes, penguins. What relevance do penguins have to the furtherance of medical science? Well, strangely enough quite a lot, a major breakthrough, maybe. Scientists believe that these penguins, these comic flightless web-footed little bastards may finally unwittingly help man to fathom the uncharted depths of the human mind. If we increase the size of the penguin until it is the same height as the man and then compare the relative brain size, we now find that the penguin's brain is still smaller. But, and this is the point, it is larger than it was!

...Okay, that's just Monty Python copy-pasta. I like emperor penguins, they're cute. There's not much I can say because when it comes to cuteness and animals, it's just a subjective matter.

Klavier Gavin

Ah, yes, the glimmerous fop. I suspect the second gut reason why I liked him was the fact he was a non-emo, non-bastard prosecutor who was out to get your ass in the Ace Attorney franchise for once, and that's so refreshing. (The first being that I was easily impressed by pretty blond actors/musicians in my teenage years, and he sort of... revived a part of me I hoped it stayed dead and unknown. Hubba hubba.) But when I started playing him and thinking about his personality, he became one of my favorite videogame characters ever. He's honest and intelligent while being extravagant and dorky cool. He's flirty while being gentleman-ish. He balances out two almost opposite careers and is successful at it -you may argue about his suckage in court, but since he's in it for discovering the truth and not the wins, it's actually valid. I think he has more layers than the fandom gives him credit for; it's just that the game doesn't exploit them as they should've. He's emotionally strong and sticks to his beliefs, which is more admirable than his platinum records. I could rant about his stance and loyalty on justice vs. loved ones and all the consequences on it, but yeah.

random, rants, ace attorney, tales of the abyss

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